For everything there is a season,
a time for every activity under heaven.
A time to be born and a time to die.
A time to plant and a time to harvest.
A time to kill and a time to heal.
A time to tear down and a time to build up.
A time to cry and a time to laugh.
A time to grieve and a time to dance.
A time to scatter stones and a time to gather stones.
A time to embrace and a time to turn away.
A time to search and a time to quit searching.
A time to keep and a time to throw away.
A time to tear and a time to mend.
A time to be quiet and a time to speak.
A time to love and a time to hate.
A time for war and a time for peace.
Sunday, 22 July 2007
Saturday, 21 July 2007
Corinthians 13 v 4-8

Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful or proud or rude. It does not demand its own way. it is not irritable , and it keeps no record of being wrong. It does not rejoice about injustice but rejoices whenever the truth wins out. Love never gives up, never loses faith. is always hopeful , and endures through every circumstance.
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Seoul Grand Park Zoo

So It was a National Holiday yesterday in Korea and me and my mate Byron decided to go Seoul Grand park to see experience a real Korean Zoo :)
It was great to act like a big kid all day instead of being the sensible teacher.
The Zoo was pretty impressive and the weather turned out to be really nice. There were plenty of things to see... Lions, Monkeys (which were a little vicious and scared me a bit..not like the randy ones me an Jai saw in Chester Zoo before I left!), Zebras, Gorillas, Pumas, Leopards, Exotic Birds, the list goes on.
The Monkeys are always my favourite things to see coz I find them so comical to watch. The monkey Ive added a picture of was making a right racket and looked like a grizzly old man setting the world to rights.I could have stayed there all day watching him. One Gorilla was pretty angry and was throwing things at the glass window to scare people away. He was ONE BIG gorilla thats for sure and Im very glad of the glass patition :( Check out those legs on him.
We also went to watch a dolphin show which was awesome, Ive never seen dolphins so close up before! We then skipped onto the cable car to finish off our day which was pretty high up giving us a good view of the place and over the lions den..eeerrr.
Circled with beautiful Mountains and trees it was a really nice place to go on a day off. A subway back in the humidity (or two.. im the worst with directions lol) we stopped off in Songtan for a well deserved thai after all our walking.
Talking of walking Im craving another mad hike again...I think it may be on the cards.
Sunday, 15 July 2007
Boryeong Mud Fest 2007

So on Friday night Mr and Mrs Nam, Ruby and Steven and I went for meal to talk.I felt a little nervous all day to be honest.I felt as though I was gonna get sacked or something but I think it was just because of the underlying tensions that have been apparent between me and Steven recently lol. Anyway, we talked for a long time over dinner and Mr Nam said that he really appreciated how hard we work when he knows how much hard work the kids are getting recently. I was so relieved that he's actually aware of it.
Since Steven started the kids behaviour has become appauling. I dont like to pin the blame but I was just so relieved when Mr Nam mentioned it on Friday. Im glad its just not me.For once Steven translated properly and he also apologised for a recent thing he said to me that really caused offense and tension all week. After all my prayer I feel like somethings happening slowly. Im really pleased. We'll have to see how it goes though because Ive thought this before and the poos hit the fan again. Anyway I live in constant hope.
So Mr Frost- Mending fences...theres one being worked on. Was glad the evening went well and that I felt properly communicated for a change. Just a damn shame I had to eat sea squirt...(yes sea squirt. dont even ask because squirt is what it does)and other 'delicious' side dishes.Oh the joy.
It was the annual Boryeong Mud Festival this weekend on Daechon Beach where thousands of foreigners congregated for the festivals 10TH year mud festival celebrations. Id been looking forward to it for such a long time. Even before I came to South Korea I heard about it and saw photographs of it in a British Newspaper and remember thinking I HAD to come to Korea just to see it !
Feeling a bit shocked at how packed the beach was when we arrived and taking it all in I felt a little like I wasnt actually on this planet. A few hours after I still felt as though I wasnt on the planet. Pissed up, drunk, full of mud, wrestling, soju drinking, dancing, singing, frolicking in the sea foreigners. A whole lot of fun but rather strange to experience for someone whos been away from so many English speakers for so long! It definately given me a taste of whats to come when I get back home. I better preapare myself. 15 weeeks to go....
The day went so quickly. We sunbathed, got mudded up, went swimming and then met up with the rest of the Cheonanites by the watch tower. More wasted but funny mates arrived and bumped into lots of people Ive met over the few months here not recognising them instantly for obvious reasons lol.
We all had a few game of funny frisbee in the sea (hilarious with me on Arrans shoulders coz he's so short lol) chilled out with some drinks, showered then back down to the beach for fireworks, wine, live entertainment, bands, dancers, and good merry banter. I also invited Steven over with his Girlfrined for a drink. Gasp. lol I couldnt believe how many people were there. It was a tiring day so today was nice to chill out on the beach and fry with the ones who didnt get away yesterday :) A few hours later, good tans all round and a few drops of rain we sped off to the train st, grabbed some pizza and got home :)
Its been an interesting weekend. Ive learnt alot about myself in just two days.I didnt realise how much Id changed. I honestly didnt.
Sunday, 8 July 2007
Songnisan Weekend Break

So after a good week at the hagwon due to a lot of kiddies being away at a school camping trip I threw a party for my elementary kids in my hagwon. It was really nice to do something special with them as they're so cute but it was hard work... I wont be doing it again in a hurry thats for sure lol.
Saturday Morning me and a few friends met up and made our way to Songnisan National Park. Whilst speed hiking/jogging up 3 different peaks I realised that it wasnt the relaxing weekend Id much yeared for but more a hardcore hiking weekend...I feel great though and am planning on doing it again very soon :)We started off at 4.30pm with Munjangdae rock as our destination. Passing two other beautiful peaks on the way I think it's probably the one of the biggest and beautiful hikes Ive ever done (the biggest peak only a mere 1000ft for you pro hikers back home). As a new hiker and doing it in the time we did it I was a happy bunny :) In three hours we were up and back down to our little birosanjang.I think it must have been about 8miles and it was a really steep walk all the way up with lots of stairs. The humidity was really bad but we all ended up speed hiking and it was fun but very hot and very wet work! I wore shorts and a tee and was wet through before we'd even begun. My hair was soaking, my clothes soaked and I felt a little strange half dressed running up the tracks whilst fully kitted out korean, sweat free hikers passed me by.It was good fun though and I felt like a little kid racing up the tracks through the park.
For those happy, avid hikers back home who want to know a bit more about the (very few) mountains Ive hiked, Songnisan is one of the eight most scenic attractions of Korea and it's the central part of the Great Paekdu Mountain Range.I think its stunning. Its the water source of three rivers, the Han, the Kum, and the Nakdong River and the highest peak is Chonhwangbong (1,057m) (which we climbed up too). It was so nice to go on a proper hike as Ive not been for a long time now with being so busy.The humidity made it really hard to walk in and my clothes were completely saturated with sweat before we'd actually even begun.Nice. On a few of the photos I look a bit high but to set the record straight Im actually not I think its just all the adrenaline that I had pumping around my system.
The park still looks as beautiful as ever. Different because there was no ice or snow this time but still very beautiful. Back and washed in the little hut at our biro hut with bucket fulls of tepid water and korean soap I felt a lot better and then we all settled down to relax for the night on the terrace with an amazing meal that the host cooked for us.
On Sunday we took the trip back to Cheonan slowly compared to the day before stopping off for various things in the little town and taking in the park itself.Walking along the theraputic pebbles barefoot and paddling in the stream I felt rejuvenated and like Id had a good weekend away. Jimjilbang afterwards and then it was to an amazing new restaurant by my place with one of Monicas Korean friends.
Fab Time away. Everyone needs it once in a while. Even if it is to go on a mad, suprise workout :)
Tuesday, 3 July 2007
So Im aching all over tonight and it feels great. I love that ripped muscle feeling after a good training session lol. I met up with Jackie last night for a quick hourly bible study afer my workout which was really, really nice. Got in and did some jobs then hit the sack at 2am. Seriouly. I couldnt sleep. I moved from one side on my queen sized bed to the other, top to bottom, changed positions, tried to go to for a wee (lol), changed beds to my single, tried sleeping with my fan on, with my fan off, yu get the picture...When I rose at 10.30 I know Id been asleep but I hadnt felt like it. I think Id just lay there with my eyes closed for about five hours. So the thought of meeting up with Martie today for a quick bite made me worry a little this morning. I had visions of falling into my jiggae head first but I didnt and have had a decent amount of energy all day. Cand juice keep you up at night? Im doing this juice diet thing and its given me loads of energy but it cant possibly keep me up all night can it ? Im hoping I sleep tonight coz Ive been so busy recently that I need all the sleep I can get. Lets see...
Tonight, my private class with William was pretty funny. Sometimes I get so embarrassed at the stupidest things but I guess its because i just dont know how to keep a straight face and end up giggling really loud when embarrassing things come up. Oh, I must be so unprofessional :( I just cant help it. I think growing up with Sarah hasnt helped me. We could never keep straight faces with eachother and now if a funny situation comes up where I shouldnt laugh I just see her cheeky face as a child or her face as a young woman now taking the mick and having me in stitches.
William really tries hard and his pronuciation isnt great but he tries and is improving slowly. We were talking about movies before and he accidentaly said boobies by accident. To be honest I wouldnt usually laugh at something like this but I guess I was so tired by 9.45am that I just couldnt help laughing to myself due to his face when he realised what he'd said. Lay on the table was also an advertisement Id printed out for a comedy that we were using to help us with role play. Grab my Banana was the name of it. Seriously....when Im tired thats it. Ive got the giggles at anything. It doesnt take much to have me peeing my pants and these two things just got me tonight The worst thing was that I tried my very best to hold in my laughter but ended up snorting instead and making it more embarrassing. I realy need to be more careful about what I print in future. The poor guy'll think Im coming onto him.
Tonight, my private class with William was pretty funny. Sometimes I get so embarrassed at the stupidest things but I guess its because i just dont know how to keep a straight face and end up giggling really loud when embarrassing things come up. Oh, I must be so unprofessional :( I just cant help it. I think growing up with Sarah hasnt helped me. We could never keep straight faces with eachother and now if a funny situation comes up where I shouldnt laugh I just see her cheeky face as a child or her face as a young woman now taking the mick and having me in stitches.
William really tries hard and his pronuciation isnt great but he tries and is improving slowly. We were talking about movies before and he accidentaly said boobies by accident. To be honest I wouldnt usually laugh at something like this but I guess I was so tired by 9.45am that I just couldnt help laughing to myself due to his face when he realised what he'd said. Lay on the table was also an advertisement Id printed out for a comedy that we were using to help us with role play. Grab my Banana was the name of it. Seriously....when Im tired thats it. Ive got the giggles at anything. It doesnt take much to have me peeing my pants and these two things just got me tonight The worst thing was that I tried my very best to hold in my laughter but ended up snorting instead and making it more embarrassing. I realy need to be more careful about what I print in future. The poor guy'll think Im coming onto him.
Monday, 2 July 2007
Busy Bunnie Bee!

Wow... I feel like Ive really neglected my poor little blog recently. I actually thought about stopping writing it due to the fact that because everyone reads it they stop writing me emails ! Guys! I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU'RE DOING TOO ! I miss you all so dont just read this and not email me ! I miss you all and am interested in your lives too even if you think they are presently mundane and uninteresting! Telling off over. lol.
Okay. So Ive been busy lately. I got a little bored a few weeks back now thinking to myself oh.. 6 months would have been enough here. The fact is, okay it may have been but the truth is that Im here for another 4 months and I can either moan or get on with it and enjoy it! So, Ive been trying to find things to fill my time. Ive got involved with more compassionate ministry stuff with my church, helping out when and where I can. Ive made more appointments with Korean friends, more bible studies,helping at the orphanage, helping feeding the homeless, tried to get out more at the weekends and just do different stuff. Its pretty much filled my weeks well. So before I was bored and know Im just very tired from doing so much. I have all these meetings and appointments and then theres the gym, extra lessons two nights a week that go on till 9.45 and then if I have time, Ive been seeing mates and trying my best to get out of Cheonan for a change and travelling can be tiring!
This week though Im having a break.Decision made. I dont wanna reach burn out. Im still doing the kids club at church once a month but really dont feel like its for me. If Im away once a month and do the kids club once a month I only go to church twice in four weeks. Its not enough for a new Christian. I feel I really need to receive right now and get as much spiritual food as I can. Im craving it !
Tonight I met up with my mate Jackie. She is a God send to me. Ive taken up a bible study with her and some other mates on Friday mornings too and am also conversing with another friend whilst shes on her vacation who I know from church. Im really enjoying getting to know my bible more and I felt so excited tonight just reading the first part of John. I know my bible but not as well as I want to so Im trying to make time and just try to comprehend and internalise things Ive never looked at before or been taught. I love it :)
I headed down to Daechon on Saturday with Monica and Cara after a night of chilling out with Greys Anatomy ( love it !) one and a half other chick flicks and a good merlot. I had plans with some lucky people (lol)but had to let them down last minute. I bet their night wasnt the same without me there haaaahaaaa.I was pretty tired from my week so sitting in solo felt like a good, appealing plan. Satuday we just got down to Daechon and I realised Id lost my mobile. Luckily someone had dropped it off at Daechon St but I had to go all the way back and fetch it :( I wasnt a happy bunny. The day was nice though and we went swimming ( I burnt again but not as bad as last time.) . I didnt think I'd burnt that much until Sunday at a bbq when Jackie shouted out I looked like a lobster.Whoops.
So a day at the beach after a morning of feeling like a fanny for loosing my phone I spontaneously decided I wanted to join some mates for a night out in Seoul so 25 minutes after getting in from a day in Boryeong I was showered, dressed, hair done, made up and in a cab back to the KTX on my way to Itaewon. Another half hour and I was there :) A few of my friends had gone on a rafting trip that day and my mate Rhys met a girl there who I went to college with for two years :) She was sat at the table with all my friends when I got there and it was such a nice suprise to see her. We both came in November but both didnt know how to contact one another as we didnt have eachothers details so it was sooooooo great to see her and catch up with the old days.Jen knew my old friends, she knows my ex boyfriends from college, she went to my uni so it was sooooooooo nice to just catch up !
Although Ive been helping out with all these different things and have been busy with different bible studies and extra lessons I do feel like God is telling me to continue to rest in him. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that from the 20th of July I will be working up to 12 hours a day... yes 12 :( I reckon the way it looks now Ill be working from 10am/11am- 8pm three days a week and then 10am/11am-9.45pm two days a week. Despite this Ill get dinner with my co-workers and breaks however I remember last time in Winter it being really hard work and feeling like I was always at work...yawn. Apparently Ill get overtime which reminded me that I didnt get O.T last time...I need to start watch the hours Im putting in a bit more. Just ten hours a week extra is a lot more money that I need to claim! O.T sounds good to me as Im saving as much as I can now.Dont know If Ill get that much wanted break to Vietnam or Thailand as originally planned but Im sure Ill keep myself busy or relaxed... which ever I choose !
So, Im gonna have a restful week. Maybe the jimjibang, dinner with mates at my fave little places, a few drinks, treat myself to a facial and go away this weekend. Maybe plan a hiking trip and stay in another hut in the woods. Sounds like bliss but gotta get through my hectic days in the hagwon first :) Im currently planning my lesson plans for the dreaded 20th July and I need to get myself in gear. My little goblins sure do keep me busy...theyre hard work but despite it all I cant help but love them. All of them.Even the naughty ones who dont stop jabbering in korean, even the ones who take the mick and probably call me under their breath when I tell them off. I just cant help it. Sujan and Wendy both fell asleep on the way home after our lesson together.Going home in the school bus after a long day, sat in the back in the dark with Anje and Wendy is one of my favourite times of the day. If theyre wide awake we have to sing songs or do mash potato (thanks mum... lol), if theyre wiped out they come and snuggle up with me and fall asleep. Its gonna be hard to say bye to these two. Im dreading it.I actually dont know how Ill stop crying. I will have practically seen them every day for a whole year when I leave. I remember the day that we went to Seoul with their parents when I just got here and Wendy weed all over me in the back of the car as she was sleeping. That was definately an ice breaker if ever there was one. She wasnt shy in front of me after that.
So spending a lot of time here makes me get to know myself better. Maybe thats why Ive felt itchy to be busy recently. Maybe Ive been fed up of disecting myself and my traits and the negative things about myself. One thing Ive noticed is that I put off spending time with people I know I really like. You might think this is mad and it may baffle you but I honestly have with some people here. I think its partly coz I can be actually be quite shy at times and partly coz I know if I get on well with these people Ill only have to say goodbye and I may never see them again. Surely this cant be a good thing though? Missing out on good, healthy relationships? I suppose its a self protection kind of thing but I think I need to just embrace what could be good connections and not worry about the byesor else, Im gonna miss out!
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