So on Friday night Mr and Mrs Nam, Ruby and Steven and I went for meal to talk.I felt a little nervous all day to be honest.I felt as though I was gonna get sacked or something but I think it was just because of the underlying tensions that have been apparent between me and Steven recently lol. Anyway, we talked for a long time over dinner and Mr Nam said that he really appreciated how hard we work when he knows how much hard work the kids are getting recently. I was so relieved that he's actually aware of it.
Since Steven started the kids behaviour has become appauling. I dont like to pin the blame but I was just so relieved when Mr Nam mentioned it on Friday. Im glad its just not me.For once Steven translated properly and he also apologised for a recent thing he said to me that really caused offense and tension all week. After all my prayer I feel like somethings happening slowly. Im really pleased. We'll have to see how it goes though because Ive thought this before and the poos hit the fan again. Anyway I live in constant hope.
So Mr Frost- Mending fences...theres one being worked on. Was glad the evening went well and that I felt properly communicated for a change. Just a damn shame I had to eat sea squirt...(yes sea squirt. dont even ask because squirt is what it does)and other 'delicious' side dishes.Oh the joy.
It was the annual Boryeong Mud Festival this weekend on Daechon Beach where thousands of foreigners congregated for the festivals 10TH year mud festival celebrations. Id been looking forward to it for such a long time. Even before I came to South Korea I heard about it and saw photographs of it in a British Newspaper and remember thinking I HAD to come to Korea just to see it !
Feeling a bit shocked at how packed the beach was when we arrived and taking it all in I felt a little like I wasnt actually on this planet. A few hours after I still felt as though I wasnt on the planet. Pissed up, drunk, full of mud, wrestling, soju drinking, dancing, singing, frolicking in the sea foreigners. A whole lot of fun but rather strange to experience for someone whos been away from so many English speakers for so long! It definately given me a taste of whats to come when I get back home. I better preapare myself. 15 weeeks to go....
The day went so quickly. We sunbathed, got mudded up, went swimming and then met up with the rest of the Cheonanites by the watch tower. More wasted but funny mates arrived and bumped into lots of people Ive met over the few months here not recognising them instantly for obvious reasons lol.
We all had a few game of funny frisbee in the sea (hilarious with me on Arrans shoulders coz he's so short lol) chilled out with some drinks, showered then back down to the beach for fireworks, wine, live entertainment, bands, dancers, and good merry banter. I also invited Steven over with his Girlfrined for a drink. Gasp. lol I couldnt believe how many people were there. It was a tiring day so today was nice to chill out on the beach and fry with the ones who didnt get away yesterday :) A few hours later, good tans all round and a few drops of rain we sped off to the train st, grabbed some pizza and got home :)
Its been an interesting weekend. Ive learnt alot about myself in just two days.I didnt realise how much Id changed. I honestly didnt.
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