Wow... I feel like Ive really neglected my poor little blog recently. I actually thought about stopping writing it due to the fact that because everyone reads it they stop writing me emails ! Guys! I WANT TO KNOW HOW YOU'RE DOING TOO ! I miss you all so dont just read this and not email me ! I miss you all and am interested in your lives too even if you think they are presently mundane and uninteresting! Telling off over. lol.
Okay. So Ive been busy lately. I got a little bored a few weeks back now thinking to myself oh.. 6 months would have been enough here. The fact is, okay it may have been but the truth is that Im here for another 4 months and I can either moan or get on with it and enjoy it! So, Ive been trying to find things to fill my time. Ive got involved with more compassionate ministry stuff with my church, helping out when and where I can. Ive made more appointments with Korean friends, more bible studies,helping at the orphanage, helping feeding the homeless, tried to get out more at the weekends and just do different stuff. Its pretty much filled my weeks well. So before I was bored and know Im just very tired from doing so much. I have all these meetings and appointments and then theres the gym, extra lessons two nights a week that go on till 9.45 and then if I have time, Ive been seeing mates and trying my best to get out of Cheonan for a change and travelling can be tiring!
This week though Im having a break.Decision made. I dont wanna reach burn out. Im still doing the kids club at church once a month but really dont feel like its for me. If Im away once a month and do the kids club once a month I only go to church twice in four weeks. Its not enough for a new Christian. I feel I really need to receive right now and get as much spiritual food as I can. Im craving it !
Tonight I met up with my mate Jackie. She is a God send to me. Ive taken up a bible study with her and some other mates on Friday mornings too and am also conversing with another friend whilst shes on her vacation who I know from church. Im really enjoying getting to know my bible more and I felt so excited tonight just reading the first part of John. I know my bible but not as well as I want to so Im trying to make time and just try to comprehend and internalise things Ive never looked at before or been taught. I love it :)
I headed down to Daechon on Saturday with Monica and Cara after a night of chilling out with Greys Anatomy ( love it !) one and a half other chick flicks and a good merlot. I had plans with some lucky people (lol)but had to let them down last minute. I bet their night wasnt the same without me there haaaahaaaa.I was pretty tired from my week so sitting in solo felt like a good, appealing plan. Satuday we just got down to Daechon and I realised Id lost my mobile. Luckily someone had dropped it off at Daechon St but I had to go all the way back and fetch it :( I wasnt a happy bunny. The day was nice though and we went swimming ( I burnt again but not as bad as last time.) . I didnt think I'd burnt that much until Sunday at a bbq when Jackie shouted out I looked like a lobster.Whoops.
So a day at the beach after a morning of feeling like a fanny for loosing my phone I spontaneously decided I wanted to join some mates for a night out in Seoul so 25 minutes after getting in from a day in Boryeong I was showered, dressed, hair done, made up and in a cab back to the KTX on my way to Itaewon. Another half hour and I was there :) A few of my friends had gone on a rafting trip that day and my mate Rhys met a girl there who I went to college with for two years :) She was sat at the table with all my friends when I got there and it was such a nice suprise to see her. We both came in November but both didnt know how to contact one another as we didnt have eachothers details so it was sooooooo great to see her and catch up with the old days.Jen knew my old friends, she knows my ex boyfriends from college, she went to my uni so it was sooooooooo nice to just catch up !
Although Ive been helping out with all these different things and have been busy with different bible studies and extra lessons I do feel like God is telling me to continue to rest in him. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that from the 20th of July I will be working up to 12 hours a day... yes 12 :( I reckon the way it looks now Ill be working from 10am/11am- 8pm three days a week and then 10am/11am-9.45pm two days a week. Despite this Ill get dinner with my co-workers and breaks however I remember last time in Winter it being really hard work and feeling like I was always at work...yawn. Apparently Ill get overtime which reminded me that I didnt get O.T last time...I need to start watch the hours Im putting in a bit more. Just ten hours a week extra is a lot more money that I need to claim! O.T sounds good to me as Im saving as much as I can now.Dont know If Ill get that much wanted break to Vietnam or Thailand as originally planned but Im sure Ill keep myself busy or relaxed... which ever I choose !
So, Im gonna have a restful week. Maybe the jimjibang, dinner with mates at my fave little places, a few drinks, treat myself to a facial and go away this weekend. Maybe plan a hiking trip and stay in another hut in the woods. Sounds like bliss but gotta get through my hectic days in the hagwon first :) Im currently planning my lesson plans for the dreaded 20th July and I need to get myself in gear. My little goblins sure do keep me busy...theyre hard work but despite it all I cant help but love them. All of them.Even the naughty ones who dont stop jabbering in korean, even the ones who take the mick and probably call me under their breath when I tell them off. I just cant help it. Sujan and Wendy both fell asleep on the way home after our lesson together.Going home in the school bus after a long day, sat in the back in the dark with Anje and Wendy is one of my favourite times of the day. If theyre wide awake we have to sing songs or do mash potato (thanks mum... lol), if theyre wiped out they come and snuggle up with me and fall asleep. Its gonna be hard to say bye to these two. Im dreading it.I actually dont know how Ill stop crying. I will have practically seen them every day for a whole year when I leave. I remember the day that we went to Seoul with their parents when I just got here and Wendy weed all over me in the back of the car as she was sleeping. That was definately an ice breaker if ever there was one. She wasnt shy in front of me after that.
So spending a lot of time here makes me get to know myself better. Maybe thats why Ive felt itchy to be busy recently. Maybe Ive been fed up of disecting myself and my traits and the negative things about myself. One thing Ive noticed is that I put off spending time with people I know I really like. You might think this is mad and it may baffle you but I honestly have with some people here. I think its partly coz I can be actually be quite shy at times and partly coz I know if I get on well with these people Ill only have to say goodbye and I may never see them again. Surely this cant be a good thing though? Missing out on good, healthy relationships? I suppose its a self protection kind of thing but I think I need to just embrace what could be good connections and not worry about the byesor else, Im gonna miss out!
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