Saturday, 15 September 2007

Another busy week's flown by... my pro belly dancing lessons are coming on a treat. Ive actually found something I LOVE and am good at ! Ive done lots of cardio, lots of yoga, teaching time with Cherry on Monday, jogs, meetings, dinner appointents. Its been another very active week. I found out my mate Robyn has started working out at my gym so its gonna be wicked to have a running partner to motiate me some more. By Friday aft I was done teaching. Ruby cancelled my last lesson coz the kids were knackered bless 'em. This week has been yet another for getting closer to Sujan and Wendy. It seems that the more their English improves (which is EVERY DAY at the moment)the closer we become and we were close when Sujan could barely say hello, how are you ? I LOVE those little girls so much.

Ive really had the best day today. God has blessed me so much with my two mates Isabel and Juri. Theyre like my guardian angels sat the moment and I see them both at least twice a week now. I always feel a little back to myself when Ive spent time with them. I cant explain it. I guess its coz theyre a little like my mates back at home but Christian.

Today was time for me to go offer my services at the single mums home (Ive wanted to go along with Isabel for so long but Ive always been away when she been).It was SO lovely. I was a little worried that the Mums'd wonder why a dodgy, blonde foreigner was coming into their home to help clean and look after their babies, I was worried there'd be tension there of not only a stranger being in their private home but a foreigner lol. I shouldnt have worried though at all. I felt so comfortable there with Isabel knowing the Mums and babies so I felt so relaxed and at home. The babies jaws dropped instantly (whats new there then lol) and one of the tiny babies just stared into my eyes in awe for about ten minutes and almost couldnt catch her breath properly which was the funniest thing Ive ever seen but I felt like crying for her at the same time coz you could tell she was really overwhelmed ! It seemed she was struggling to catch her breath and she didnt know whether to laugh or cry. It was so sweet.

Twenty minutes later her Mum passed her to me and she was happy gurgling on my arm all afternoon. She even fell asleep on my shoulder really snuggled up tight so I cant be that ugly afterall ha. I literally melted when her Mum passed her to me... I hope Im not ready for kids yet. The hagwon's enough to put me off for life.Its been reconfirmed for me here how hard and demanding kids actually are. They are for life.

When I was younger Mum did alot of nannying for kids after Dad left. I saw the poo wiped on our bathroom walls (Much to Mums sheer delight...Peter heehee), the cronic nose picking and bleeding noses over our cream carpets...(Sam) the constant whinging and crying (I better not mention lol)the green bogie wiping down the chair arm (my dear sister), the burst bean bags...up our noses on the ceilings, down the stairs, down our pyjamas// (that was me and my first boyfriend Christian age 3?) So, I always knew the hard work and stress. If you want your kids to be put off teeenage pregnancies/ sex at an early age/sex before marriage a little- do some nannying.

Ive been feeling really maternal today though and its been so nice playing with the two baby girls and having some cuddles. God's always supplied when Ive felt the need for a snuggle. Usually its been Sujan or Wendy but today it was two little bundles of joy :)

So after we ate together and played some more me Isabel and Juri went off to Pinacle Land overlooking the ocean. Considering the weathers been diabolical all week it stayed dry for us and we walked around the flower and herb gardens and sat by the waterfall for a while.

It reminded me today that this whole year has been a time to just sit with God. It reminded me today just listening to the water. It was so relaxing we ended up sititng there for a while watching the Korean families and children almost head butting eachother head first into the pools of shallow, fish filled water. Isabel treated us to dinner and we ate some beautiful food overlooking the huge grassy lawns and pretty flowers. I feel refreshed all over again. After Church tommorrow and my weekly sauna Ill be totally ready for another hectic week. My Korean mate has sorted me out a friend to help me with driving/ basic maneouvers so Im realy excited about that for this week! I wanna get on the road asap when I get home ! No more shite waiting for the buses for me ta. Ive done it all my life and just coz Ive travelled alot doesnt mean Im not gonna get on it quickly when I get home lol!

You know sometimes Ill sit with God or alone and think about my time here over the past year. I needed to come out here and God made me pursue it. This very place. He planned everything here for me from the place to the people. I really believe it. He put it on my heart like I believe he does with a lot of things. Some people refused to believe it was from God but to this day I believe Im supposed to be here. In this place at this time with these lovely people.

Ill think about how Ive spent my time here and what Id do if I was doing it all over again. The truth is that Id change nothing. Ive been everywhere I wanted to go. Ive done everything Ive needed to do. I sometimes think about things Ive 'missed out' on like big clubbing nights out in Seoul with mates here, drinking sessions down town most nights that Ive missed. What I feel though is that I havent 'missed out' on it.

I came here to rest my soul, to think about my life, to spend time with God, for him to draw me close to him and its been one of the most peaceful, interesting years of my life. Actually THE most peaceful year of my life. I know when I get home everything is going to be mad again but Ill know and always remember the year that God himself took me away from everything to love his daughter and hold her in the palm of his very hand.

Ill never forget the moments Ive had with him here.

I doubt that this blog wil get any better with my hectic schedule up to when I leave but Il post my pictures (if I have any time to take any haha). Until then.

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