So Rhys' Pirate Party headed off with a bang this weekend as we all headed down to Seoul on the KTX. It was to Itaewon first and then Hongdae for some proper pirate partying. It was a nice break away from Cheonan for the night as I havent been on a night out in Seoul since New Years Eve so it was extremely cool :) We hit a few nice bars in Itaewon, rather packed out but very friendly Wolf Hound and then on to a house club in Hongdae. Good fun all round me maties although I wont be venturing off to Seoul again for a long time! :) I decided to hop on the KTZ at 5 ish with Alex and Arran and it was pretty nice seeing Seoul City so early and so calm and quiet in the morning. And hilarious to still be in out pirate outfits sat on the train back to Cheonan :) Talk about snorting like pigs with laughter (note: this is a SERIOUS case on a Korean train) You talk you get shusshed at. You laugh and you get shouted at. We behaved but I snorted alot. (A mortal sin on any Korean train at any time of the day OR night).
Was nice to go home when I was ready and not have to wait about in a smoky club waiting for everyone to be all danced out. I wanted food and bed so we went to Mccy D's and I had three Mcdonalds. No kidding. What an ajuma....but Ive seriously lost the drinking urge since I got here. Goodness knows how Ill cope when I get back home with you girls opening the wine everynight. Girls.. youre gonna laugh when I get home... this girl wont be even attempting to drink anyone of you under the table anymore. Mark my words ladies ! lol. The fag dirty habit has finally been kicked to the curb (hooraaayyy..except on very stressful occassions and with the odd drink)..the dirty pint guzzling down in the Pack Horse when I arrive home will probably not even be on the cards.Then again itll be Christmas and me and Bridget Jones will most definately be in my Mums garden bum potting after a few shandies :) Lets hope we have a white Christmas eh Kez ?! IF Im home...!
Ive been thinking alot about what Im gonna do next after my contract ends here.Ive had so many ideas and there are soooo many possibilities about where to go, what to do next, who I could hook up with. Its in my nature to race on and plan ahead and God is telling me again and again and again to just chill myself out and be still yet I still cant seem to just wait and be patient. I just know the things I want to do and the places I want to explore and its so hard sometimes to just trust in God and let him guide me instead of me trying to take charge all the time. Ive been struggling now for the past five weeks with this irritability of not knowing what Im gonna do next and the intense urge to plan on ahead. For years Ive always known and had planned what next and because I dont know exactly what next Im trying to plan, plan, plan and to be honest nothing Im trying to plan is working so Im trying my best to just think and pray really hard about it. I honestly think I dont trust in God fully enough sometimes and I should. Someone from church said to me before I left said something along the lines of, 'dont always try and plan things yourself and worry about what youre gonna do or how youre gonna do it, just pray and let God take over' Its true but its scary for someone whos pretty control freaky with their own life. I was told a few weeks ago by a Christian couple I know that they think Im in a really good place right now.To be honest though Im a bit scared coz the things Gods been talking to me about recently are just like .... boy am I really ready for this ? I suppose God will MAKE me ready if Im supposed to be. We'll see. Ill have to put away my multitude of diaries and just be patient.
So, Im going on on a morning hike tomorrow early to pray and chill out which should be nice and Ive got Friday off this week so Im thinking about heading down to a convent in Busan for some serious still time with God :)
Its already 1.10 am. Ive just watched a really sad Korean film and its time for bed.Ive needed a good cry for weeks now but not allowed myself the pleasure (or the pain) My head hurts Ive cried so much but hopefully Ill sleep well tonight coz for the past five nights + Ive not slept well at all. I think maybe a good cry was needed and this film sure got the tears rolling !]
Anyway, enough blabber. Sleep Girl Sleep ! :)

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