Wednesday, 6 June 2007

Compassionate Ministries

So my day off today has been soooo good ! This morning I had my Compassionate Ministies meeting and had the pleasure of meeting Stan Martins LOVELY wife. She is SO LOVELY ! For those of you who read my blog in Korea- (coz Im not sure if anyone does) we need you help with the Compassionate Ministries team. Stan Martin will be giving a sermon on the 17th (if all goes to plan) and he's gonna ask the church members to get involved. We need people and we need people to commit to just an hour (or MORE !) a week to help out with various things we want to get involved with. There are so many things to get involved with- Isabel has done so much leg work in finding out about things we can help with over the past few months (hard work) that everything is ready. We just need people to help ! There is the orphanage in Ssang Yong Dong we need help with, working with single parents (cleaning and playing with children/ babies ect), feeding the homeless and other things too. Compassionate Ministries needs YOU ! So start to pray about it!

He said to his disciples "The harvest is so great, but the workersa are so few. So pray to the Lord who is in charge of the harvest; ask him to send out more workers for his fields" Matthew 9:37-38

1 comment:

Jennifer Bryson said...

Hi Jo

I think that you have such a good heart! I hope you can convince many people to join the compassionate ministries!