With a twinge of a hangover on Sunday morning and feeling the urge to puke a little in church now and again because of the amount consumed the previous night (actually not alot... I can't handle it anymore guys Im turning into an ajuma !) Me, Monica, Mei-i and Byron all went down to Seoul for the Hillsong Concert (or cheesy christian crap as quoted by Jackie :) tut tut. Despite more hours on buses and the metro it was worth it. Situated in Olympic Park Gardens the place was rammed jammed with Christians in full worship. It was so nice to see and just be part of :) Theres something beautiful in listening to Koreans pray in their own language and the sound of people lifting up their voices in praise was so nice for me to experience. The walk to the concert was a hot one after our bus ride and our trip back was knackering too as we missed the last KTX. It was well worth it though and am itching to get back to Olympic Park. Theres lots of colour, very serious old men on rollerblades fully kitted with the latest, funky, bright coloured knee pads and helmets (teehee), families picnicing, couples in coffee shops, odd peeps on bikes, kiddies playing footy. It looked like a really nice place. Am gonna av to plan to go again sometime soon :)
Oh .. and by the way. A bit random but my plants are coming back to life !
Monday, 28 May 2007
Bunnies Birthday

Okay... so there wasnt a multitude of beautiful lanterns on display for my birthday but at least it didnt rain and it was a good day despite my baaad planning. Me and Cara headed across to Seosan for my friends wedding however we had to turn back because Id planned it so badly. After a bad start and three hours wasted on the bus (poor Cara) we both got back to Cheonan and went for dinner in Buonissimos garden terrace which was lovely. A good fat glass of white, one of my best friends, sunshine, running water (we dont get alot of this in Cheonan), a cute waiter (!)a good chicken salad.. what more could I ask for ?
So after a lovely, relaxing day we all met at Red Rooster- my favourite bar in Cheonan.Was a bit of a squeeze and a heavy night but good, healthy fun :) Had so many lovely pressies and cards amd emails/ messages sent from back home and the hagwon made a big fuss with a Birthday Cake and lots of pressies too so thankyou all !
Friday, 25 May 2007
Monday, 21 May 2007
Sun Burn
This picture doesnt even begin to capture how rouge I am. Seriously. Ive even burnt my lips. Mums sent me over my gorgeous red and white dress from back home to wear for my mates wedding on Saturday. Somehow I think Ill look pretty fluorescent in a red dress dont you think?!
Anyway the kids had a ball today giggling at my new 'radiance'. Ruby couldnt stop laughing and Ive not been able to walk properly all day. Bending over for pencils has even been hard.When will this go down !??? Arrgghhh !
Anyway the kids had a ball today giggling at my new 'radiance'. Ruby couldnt stop laughing and Ive not been able to walk properly all day. Bending over for pencils has even been hard.When will this go down !??? Arrgghhh !
Eeeerrrrm...Still Feeling Hot Hot Hot :(

Okay so this minging picture Ive put on here is for one purpose ONLY.
That is as a reminder that I shall never EVER go out in the sun again without sun protection.
This hideous atrocity shall remain on my blog to remind me of the pain and the shame of allwoing my skin to crisp and burn to this detestable degree.
Ohhh how I wish my skin would go down...
Sunday, 20 May 2007

So Me, Tina, Martie, Cor and Gyung Jun, decided it was time for a beach break down to Daechon this weekend for a well deserved chill out weekend. We got the train and in what seemed no time at all we were sat in a little fish restaurant eating fish soup and drinking soju :) Awwww to be back...!
The beach down there is so lovely and we found a nice spot right at the end of the stretch and sun bathed, played football and drunk our beers feeling very relaxed and happy soaking up the sunshine. We were all sat in our bikinis whilst the koreans walked past fully dressed, some in suits, some with umbrellas to protect their faces (and bald heads ) and some with huge, black visors. They must have thought we were mad sat practically naked. When we went exploring over to some rocks one ajuma started shouting, 'Ohh look at all these Americans that keep coming here with no clothes on again'...arrrgghh you'd think theyd be used to it then by now! Just wait until summer really starts.. Anyway after chlling out all day we went back to our little hotel room for showers and then went back out onto the beach and sat on the porch of a little restaurant to catch the sunset. I could have stayed there all week.It was beautiful.
It was so nice to get out of Cheonan for a while and just be by the sea.The beach looked so pretty at night illuminated by blue lights and fireworks and crackers.It was quite a romantic setting really! It was really relaxing and after our meal we all went back to the hotel room and got a pretty early night coz we were all that relaxed! Bliss...
On Sunday I woke up at 8.30 am and walked down to the beach for some quiet time. It was so quiet and peaceful and the beach looked even prettier than the day before.It was a really hot day. I honestly didnt realise how hot it was in and out of the sea all the time, sunbathing without any protection.I cant belive how stupid I was. It wasnt until we got off the beach that we all realised how burnt we all were. Im seriously burnt to a crisp and have woken up this morning not being able to move :) hhaaaaa. Im definately gonna start wearing spf everyday from now on. I look like a lobster and darent even think about the damage Ive done to my skin.No matter what I do I cant seem to cool my skin down! Im sure the kids will have something to say when I go in today...
Despite the sunburn, slight sun stoke :)( haahaaa serves me right ) and not being able to move properly without looking like Ive pooped my pants I had a wicked, chilled out weekend and will definately be going back very soon :)
Thursday, 17 May 2007
Dankook University Festival (and a slight moan)
So after one of my longest days in the hagwon yesterday William, (Rubys cousin who I've started to teach )took me over to the annual Dankook University Festival to meet his friends. They were all really friendly and pretty wasted by the time we got there but considering some Koreans are pretty shy to talk to when they're sober I dont think it was a bad thing that they were all merry when we arrived :)
The University seems really nice and there was a huge stage with singers that had been performing all night and several different stands belonging to the different departments of the Uni. Lots of drinking and eating :) It was nice to meet his friends and the mood and atmosphere was really friendly. Although I was tired I was glad we went! It started to rain at about 11.30 so we decided to head home. Wiliam phoned for a guy to come and pick us up in his car and drive it home. I think its such a wicked idea and I reckon we should do this in England. It'd save alot of accidents that occur in the UK for sure...
So...Ive got to be in today at 1.30 which Im not happy about :( I dont start teaching until 3.30 so I get in and have to sit around for two hours. Then, to put the icing on the cake I only have two lessons from 6.30-8.30. So another two hours of waiting about until I teach again. So again it's gonna be an extremely boring Friday in the hagwon. Yawn. I dont know why I cant just go in at 3.30 at least but all I get back is...'Oh well, its just the Korean way'. To make matters worse, Terry is tecahing my 3.30 class today as I did an extra for her in the week. So Ill be sat around on my arse for five hours today before I start teaching...great fun.
Damn it. It makes me mad but then Ive gotta keep thinking about how good I have it there too. Just agrivates me. I hate being sat down for too long doing nothing. It destroys me !
The University seems really nice and there was a huge stage with singers that had been performing all night and several different stands belonging to the different departments of the Uni. Lots of drinking and eating :) It was nice to meet his friends and the mood and atmosphere was really friendly. Although I was tired I was glad we went! It started to rain at about 11.30 so we decided to head home. Wiliam phoned for a guy to come and pick us up in his car and drive it home. I think its such a wicked idea and I reckon we should do this in England. It'd save alot of accidents that occur in the UK for sure...
So...Ive got to be in today at 1.30 which Im not happy about :( I dont start teaching until 3.30 so I get in and have to sit around for two hours. Then, to put the icing on the cake I only have two lessons from 6.30-8.30. So another two hours of waiting about until I teach again. So again it's gonna be an extremely boring Friday in the hagwon. Yawn. I dont know why I cant just go in at 3.30 at least but all I get back is...'Oh well, its just the Korean way'. To make matters worse, Terry is tecahing my 3.30 class today as I did an extra for her in the week. So Ill be sat around on my arse for five hours today before I start teaching...great fun.
Damn it. It makes me mad but then Ive gotta keep thinking about how good I have it there too. Just agrivates me. I hate being sat down for too long doing nothing. It destroys me !
Wednesday, 16 May 2007
Nurse Training Applied !
So My spirit's buzzing this morning as I 've just applied to NMAS to do my nurse training after years of holding it all off. Nurse Bunyan here I come...really excited! My reference was sorted within just a few days and all I have to do now is sit back and wait to see if I get my first choice!
Had an amazing massage last night. One of Julenes students came round to my house for an hour and worked her magic on my whole body. Her name is Eunji and she seriously has a gift ! It was slightly different to the massage me and my Mum got a few weeks ago in my local jimjilbang :) It was amazing and I felt so relaxed after it. She worked on all my pressure points, my head and my deep muscle tissue. She asked me if I have alot of stress and explained that because my upper back is so strong, my head and neck are extremely stressed all the time! When she just touched my neck and head I felt so much better so Ive deciced to make it a weekly thing and shes coming around the same time next week :) Bliss.
Got a long day ahead now. Another five hours of lessons to go so Im gonna go try and make the most of my break. Would much rather be on the beach but Im gonna have to just be patient until this weekend. The weather's brightened up again and Ive heard the weathers suposed to be beautiful on Saturday so bring it on to Daechon!
Had an amazing massage last night. One of Julenes students came round to my house for an hour and worked her magic on my whole body. Her name is Eunji and she seriously has a gift ! It was slightly different to the massage me and my Mum got a few weeks ago in my local jimjilbang :) It was amazing and I felt so relaxed after it. She worked on all my pressure points, my head and my deep muscle tissue. She asked me if I have alot of stress and explained that because my upper back is so strong, my head and neck are extremely stressed all the time! When she just touched my neck and head I felt so much better so Ive deciced to make it a weekly thing and shes coming around the same time next week :) Bliss.
Got a long day ahead now. Another five hours of lessons to go so Im gonna go try and make the most of my break. Would much rather be on the beach but Im gonna have to just be patient until this weekend. The weather's brightened up again and Ive heard the weathers suposed to be beautiful on Saturday so bring it on to Daechon!
Tuesday, 15 May 2007
Be Still and Know ...
Something just hit me tonight which I have to share and which is AMAZING :)The past few weeks/months Ive had this recurring dream. I've just recently decided I want to do my nurse training when I get back to Manchester as I believe God has spoken to me at length about it since Ive got here and has laid it heavily on my heart.
My dream is like this..very basic, very clear cut. I am in a clinic in the middle of no where.I think I am in a foreign land but Im unsure. The rooms are white washed and it is very minimalistic and clinical inside. There are a few stainless steel trolleys loaded but there are no patients. The place is ready for patients but there arent any there.I feel as though people are stood with me but I cant see them as they are behind me. I go out of the clinic after looking for patients but there is only a pool of still water in front of me. Still no patients. I am sad because I want the patients to be there so I can nurse them and show the people behind me how to give care to the patients but there are none. I really felt tonight very randomly that God was saying to me that I need to just be still in Gods presence for the moment here in Korea. I feel like God is telling me that he will prepare me but for now I believe that he is telling me I must stay here, in his presence until the work he's doing in my heart is completed. Ive written about it before but before I came to Korea a few people told me that they believed I would come here and be placed in a spiritual hospital. I believed that this clinic in my dream was this spiritual hospital God has placed me in for this year. Psalm 46:10 came to me immediately tonight.Be Still and Know That I am Your God. I just praise God with my whole heart.
I have a diary excerpt that I wrote a few months ago which I sent to my Mum to read. It was about the slight frustration of being in a place which seems so okay compared to a lot of places back home like the run down council estates in Salford, the run down areas of Moss side and so on. I remember feeling a part of my heart being really quite anxious to get home and really do some work in these areas coz Korea just seemed so problem free socially to me at the time. Thinking about it now I dont think Korea is problem free socially at all. I just really believe God has chosen to place me in Korea away from everything right now to do what he has to do with my heart. I know that God could work his healing magic no matter where I am in the world but I do think Ive come to Korea for a specific reason. Maybe one of the reasons for being brought into this wonderful calm place is that it has been to make me think about all the outreach work I could actually do back in Manchester when I return. My heart seems to be longing to do something for the place where I came, not only for other foreign places. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done in Manchester. Maybe God'll use me there one day.
I feel like Im gonna be a constant work in progress until the day I die but knowing that Ive got God who can mould and shape me now into what he wants me to be is the best, most peaceful feeling in the world. I have a lot of faith. God is Amazing and Im just praying for more of him and more of his amazing spirit.
My dream is like this..very basic, very clear cut. I am in a clinic in the middle of no where.I think I am in a foreign land but Im unsure. The rooms are white washed and it is very minimalistic and clinical inside. There are a few stainless steel trolleys loaded but there are no patients. The place is ready for patients but there arent any there.I feel as though people are stood with me but I cant see them as they are behind me. I go out of the clinic after looking for patients but there is only a pool of still water in front of me. Still no patients. I am sad because I want the patients to be there so I can nurse them and show the people behind me how to give care to the patients but there are none. I really felt tonight very randomly that God was saying to me that I need to just be still in Gods presence for the moment here in Korea. I feel like God is telling me that he will prepare me but for now I believe that he is telling me I must stay here, in his presence until the work he's doing in my heart is completed. Ive written about it before but before I came to Korea a few people told me that they believed I would come here and be placed in a spiritual hospital. I believed that this clinic in my dream was this spiritual hospital God has placed me in for this year. Psalm 46:10 came to me immediately tonight.Be Still and Know That I am Your God. I just praise God with my whole heart.
I have a diary excerpt that I wrote a few months ago which I sent to my Mum to read. It was about the slight frustration of being in a place which seems so okay compared to a lot of places back home like the run down council estates in Salford, the run down areas of Moss side and so on. I remember feeling a part of my heart being really quite anxious to get home and really do some work in these areas coz Korea just seemed so problem free socially to me at the time. Thinking about it now I dont think Korea is problem free socially at all. I just really believe God has chosen to place me in Korea away from everything right now to do what he has to do with my heart. I know that God could work his healing magic no matter where I am in the world but I do think Ive come to Korea for a specific reason. Maybe one of the reasons for being brought into this wonderful calm place is that it has been to make me think about all the outreach work I could actually do back in Manchester when I return. My heart seems to be longing to do something for the place where I came, not only for other foreign places. Theres a lot of work that needs to be done in Manchester. Maybe God'll use me there one day.
I feel like Im gonna be a constant work in progress until the day I die but knowing that Ive got God who can mould and shape me now into what he wants me to be is the best, most peaceful feeling in the world. I have a lot of faith. God is Amazing and Im just praying for more of him and more of his amazing spirit.

My dear friend Byron has sent me more pics from Saturday Night :) Was so gutted both of my batteries were dead before we'd even hit a dance floor but Byron came to to rescue and let me borrow his :) Just a shame I didnt catch the dancing midgit waltzing with Rhys in Star Bar.Anyway, it was a really funny night watching people a bit tipsy I didnt even know enjoyed a beer...had some extremely interesting convo's. Bet they dont remember half the things they said which is probably best left that way :) hahaaaa. I remember them all! hhaaaaa.
Had a lovely experience on the way home. My taxi driver was such a gentleman as most of them are here. He played me some Italian Opera and gave me his telephone number explaining that if I needed a taxi drop off with my friends anytime I was desperate then to call him and he would be there.Bum Ho.Heehee.Theres some seriously funny names here. My mate knows a kid called Robot. Ive got a kid who's called Cheese.Whatever next...? It cracks me up.
Today was Teachers Day. It has been another knackering day but a good one. I got given a love heart box of cherries, a french baguette and two darling ivy plants in purple pots. Blooming gorgeous :) but am getting worried about the other 12 dozen plants Ive got on my balcony which Im trying to revive. They were so beautiful last month but it seems theyve all wilted and turned brown and I dont know how to bring them back to life :( Im not very green fingered. Theres something amazing watching plants come back to life but with mine..Im still waiting in hope.
Had a busy week so far and havent stopped again. I rode to the orphanage again on Monday and met with Betsi and Eric which was lovely. I could honestly go there more often. Its so lovely to just go and play with the kids and give them lots of cuddles which they definately need. Theyre beautiful little kiddies and all so different :) Went out for some delicious fish with Martie last night and had some nice red round at hers. Then I opened another bottle I got for my Birthday when I got in and had a few glasses before bed to relax after another hectic, non-stop day. Work has been chocca recently with more timetable changes but it never seizes to amaze me how much I actually get to fit into a day here. I cant stop feeling blessed with what Ive got here and everything God has given and provided me with. I have amazing friends all around me which is just so good as I miss my mates back at home so much.God has provided me with so many gifts and blessings here I just sometimes cant believe what Ive been given.
Went for a coffee this morning with Martie and had a good chat about how God can heal and renew and I feel that God is still doing some amazing things here. Im not ready to go home yet guys and Im happy with the decision Ive made to stay. I feel like God is telling me to stay put until my contract finishes and then I will go home and see what God has got planned and prepared for me back home in Manchester and to tell you the truth I cant wait but in the same breath Im enjoying every given moment here in Korea too.
I suppose for years Ive been pretty much like my wilted plants on my balcony. In need of replenishment, nourishment, growth, some tlc. I imagine in my mind sometimes that God was waiting for the day that I was gonna begin to grow again and I can honestly say that the wilted stage is over. In the time I really struggled a few years ago the only way I can explain how I felt was like a flower that hadnt been watered. At times I felt like I was just so shriveled up. I think thats why it breaks my heart to see others wilted and broken. It reminds me of a place I used to be. A dark place where I couldnt see the light. My plants remind me of that time when I was wilted too but I can honestly say that God is Good and he can heal, he can nourish and he can mend. Lets hope my plants recover...
Looking forward to things Ive got planned this week and am so excited about venturing down to the beach this weeked for a break. Bikini.Beer.Friends.Sun.Sea. Sand. Guitar. Football.Ahhhhh Bliss.Three words for summer...BRING IT ON.
Sunday, 13 May 2007
Birthday BBQ

So this week has been another mega busy one. New commitments, more work at the hagwon, overall quite tiring so Friday night I had an early nite, cancelled all my plans and happily took to my new queen sized bed that still smells of my Mum from when she was here :) Bit of home comfort :)
Did some shopping on Saturday, quick coffee then headed to Owens for a joint Birthday BBQ. The weather was pretty dull but the food was awesome everyone prepped and our Birthday presents were so thoughtful! Thanks again guys :) Then it was out into town for a much needed night out.Lots of Soju, lots of laughs,Rugby game-(my idea of heaven) dancing with midgits,almost naked korean women, star bar, bed. Cracking night out (for Cheonan anyway) and well deserved. Will post pics when I get them :)
So...you can probably all tell at home Im pretty wrecked sleep wise with all these crap posts so Ill be off to bed. Promise this will be more informative next time I write ;)
Tuesday, 8 May 2007
Random Ramblings

Apologies to obsessive readers of Bunnies Blog. Ive been so busy its not even funny but not to worry as Bunnie is back to enchant you all with her amazing adventures ;) Not.
Nah.. really Ive been really busy recently with lots of new different stuff and new commitments with work. I started teaching my managers cousin last week whos just suprised me with dinner which was nice. Timetables been packed again today and did a good 8 hour teaching stretch in this bugger heat. From no where its just got so hot. I dont know how Im gonna cope in the summer! 90 % humidity sounds a bit much for this girl who needs her fresh air. I feel like its bad enough now -it seriously drained my energy today ha! Well...Ive worked in the heat before and am probably just being a wuss. Im sure Ill learn to cope with it. Even if Im constantly wet through all the time. Niiice.
Added a picture from the Sanok Marathon ! Its made me wanna keep on training big time :) Its very addictive thats all I can say.
Timetable change again this week..yaawwwnnn. Have new kindergarten classes also which are really fun and also new conversational classes three times a week with a cute (but hard work) brother and sister in the afternoons. Will see how they go...
Had a strange weekend. Needed some pampering so ventured down to sunny Seoul in a mad rush as I got up late (suprise, suprise). Rung the salon to say Id be late, asked if they'd be any problem fitting me in, reply- no dont worry just come and we'll fit you in in an hour..Got there in a sweat and they couldnt fit me in :( Wasnt impressed and to top it all off people were really rude to me all day after that! Just a bad day I suppose but I tried to keep smiling.Ate my first proper meal after my bout of sickness - Thai with Jackie, Byron, Seth...was really good after yukky mush for two days.
Sunday was a lot better. I did kids club in the morning then got home and opened my vino. Had small group round which is always cool. An unusual 12 turned up so everyone got snied rations. Bet they all rushed home to eat again :) Then sat in with some mates and had some (more) wine to celebrate the weather getting nicer. Any Excuse.Probably not the best thing to drink after being so poorly this week...
Met up with Betsi and Eric on Monday morning and headed to the orphanage as my Friday Morning time slot's now filled with my Old Testament study. Was realy nice to go again and Im gonna definately make it a weekly thang. The kids looked hardly any different to when I was there last so maybe it wasnt actually that long ago that I was there. Was so cool to just go and play with them again and so nice to have them wanting cuddles all the time. Ahhh theyre so gorgeous. It Was funny to watch Eric act as a human climbing frame. The kids LOVE him. Think Ill be eating breakfast before I go next time though..hard work ! :)
Oh, I also got ill last week and had to go to the drs as I got severe gastroenteritis :( Was actually really painful and Im not a wuss when it comes to any sort of pain. Had to stay in work all day with it and wanted to crawl under one of the tables and die. Luckily I had no classes all day as the kids had a dollar market but I still didnt wanna be selling pencils and monkey face masks.
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