My dear friend Byron has sent me more pics from Saturday Night :) Was so gutted both of my batteries were dead before we'd even hit a dance floor but Byron came to to rescue and let me borrow his :) Just a shame I didnt catch the dancing midgit waltzing with Rhys in Star Bar.Anyway, it was a really funny night watching people a bit tipsy I didnt even know enjoyed a beer...had some extremely interesting convo's. Bet they dont remember half the things they said which is probably best left that way :) hahaaaa. I remember them all! hhaaaaa.
Had a lovely experience on the way home. My taxi driver was such a gentleman as most of them are here. He played me some Italian Opera and gave me his telephone number explaining that if I needed a taxi drop off with my friends anytime I was desperate then to call him and he would be there.Bum Ho.Heehee.Theres some seriously funny names here. My mate knows a kid called Robot. Ive got a kid who's called Cheese.Whatever next...? It cracks me up.
Today was Teachers Day. It has been another knackering day but a good one. I got given a love heart box of cherries, a french baguette and two darling ivy plants in purple pots. Blooming gorgeous :) but am getting worried about the other 12 dozen plants Ive got on my balcony which Im trying to revive. They were so beautiful last month but it seems theyve all wilted and turned brown and I dont know how to bring them back to life :( Im not very green fingered. Theres something amazing watching plants come back to life but with mine..Im still waiting in hope.
Had a busy week so far and havent stopped again. I rode to the orphanage again on Monday and met with Betsi and Eric which was lovely. I could honestly go there more often. Its so lovely to just go and play with the kids and give them lots of cuddles which they definately need. Theyre beautiful little kiddies and all so different :) Went out for some delicious fish with Martie last night and had some nice red round at hers. Then I opened another bottle I got for my Birthday when I got in and had a few glasses before bed to relax after another hectic, non-stop day. Work has been chocca recently with more timetable changes but it never seizes to amaze me how much I actually get to fit into a day here. I cant stop feeling blessed with what Ive got here and everything God has given and provided me with. I have amazing friends all around me which is just so good as I miss my mates back at home so much.God has provided me with so many gifts and blessings here I just sometimes cant believe what Ive been given.
Went for a coffee this morning with Martie and had a good chat about how God can heal and renew and I feel that God is still doing some amazing things here. Im not ready to go home yet guys and Im happy with the decision Ive made to stay. I feel like God is telling me to stay put until my contract finishes and then I will go home and see what God has got planned and prepared for me back home in Manchester and to tell you the truth I cant wait but in the same breath Im enjoying every given moment here in Korea too.
I suppose for years Ive been pretty much like my wilted plants on my balcony. In need of replenishment, nourishment, growth, some tlc. I imagine in my mind sometimes that God was waiting for the day that I was gonna begin to grow again and I can honestly say that the wilted stage is over. In the time I really struggled a few years ago the only way I can explain how I felt was like a flower that hadnt been watered. At times I felt like I was just so shriveled up. I think thats why it breaks my heart to see others wilted and broken. It reminds me of a place I used to be. A dark place where I couldnt see the light. My plants remind me of that time when I was wilted too but I can honestly say that God is Good and he can heal, he can nourish and he can mend. Lets hope my plants recover...
Looking forward to things Ive got planned this week and am so excited about venturing down to the beach this weeked for a break. Bikini.Beer.Friends.Sun.Sea. Sand. Guitar. Football.Ahhhhh Bliss.Three words for summer...BRING IT ON.
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