Monday, 26 February 2007

Random Tuesday Morning Chat

I didn't go to Yoga last week once coz Ive been so busy going away and seeing friends and stuff but I went last night and boy do I feel it today. That'll be the last time I miss a week at the gym I tell you now. I thought just coz I did a hike on Saturday I'd be okay but no lol. I went last night and my personal trainer 'Captain' wasn't very impressed with me again telling me that I should be going everyday so that 'body wine bootiful, muscle UP fat DOWN ' :) He's so funny. Constantly asking if English girls think that Korean men are good looking and if he has a nice body. Yawn. Lol, its funny though.Guess he's just another self obsessed gym buff. But a nice and rather funny one at that ! :) lol!

Everything at the hagwon is changing recently. The teacher who replaced Candy is leaving at the end of this week and we have a new guy Steve and another woman who joined our team yesterday. Ive got to say that Im really settled in now and enjoying the whole teaching a lot more than I was before. Ive got a lot of speaking tests to complete this week and progress reports but I dont mind coz the busier I am the faster the week goes so I can enjoy my weekend ! Sunday aft was pretty nice. Ive never had a group of people around to mine before so it was nice to have the sunday group from church around.I cooked up a rather bland, overcooked stir-fry (Im such a great cook) but Cara brought round a nice cake and strawberry wine as Jackie has just graduated from her Masters so I think we were pretty happy all round! It was really nice to have a group in my apartment talking about God and praying. The dvd we watched was one by Rob Bell and was a really arty, creative, 'get yourself thinking' eleven or so minute dvd. Pretty cool. Concerning me and cooking...I love to cook but guys I hate to break it to you... Im really bad. Bridget Jones Stylee. I attemped a korean soup a few days back and I forced down a bowl last night coz I didnt want to waste it and nearly hurled.Oh well....maybe my future husband will be able to cook ! :)

Looking forward to my weekend as Im going Deep Sea Fishing off a little island South of South Korea. Sounds pretty wicked ! Am doing a homestay and just found out that my mate has actually booked a place too so I wont be alone! Thursday is a national holiday here so I have the day off. My camera has broken and Im totally lost without it so I think the hot springs and the hiking are out so Yongsan Electronic Market in Seoul here I come. Not really the day off I planned but I NEED a camera here especially for my trip this weekend! Just a bit worried as I know theres gonna be so many different stores and different cameras. I really dont wanna get riped off coz I just have 'one of those faces'. You know what I mean ?! Im usually the one who gets all the mentally unstable escapees follow or the one who gets little old ladies sat next to them on the bus telling me their life stories :) (that bit I dont actually mind!)

Anway, must go as Ive got stuff to do before work.And making breakfast is one of them. Im starving.

Saturday, 24 February 2007

Chilled out Saturday

Ahhh today was really fun :) Met up with Cara for Galbi this afternoon and then went to watch Dream Girls at the cinemas with her and Monica. It was a really good musical and I cried most of the way through it ...! Really good stuff ! Then we headed down to Starbucks for a girlie coffee, chat and cheesecake, bumped into Toby and Joella and had a good chat. Me and Cara then went to do a bit of shopping and waited a ridiculous amount of time for a bus to our local E-mart for some food shopping. I swear I love food shopping so much over here I think I prefer it to actual clothes shopping. Its been really funny in some of the shops here. We had a laugh today as the clothes attendants wouldnt let us try any of the clothes on unless we bought them lol. Funny as! You'd think we were hefalumps or something :) ! Anyway, it was funny and a nice, girlie day out in Cheon-an :) Gotta admit though that Ive really missed my mate Jackie today. Ive been on so many hiking trips with her the past few weeks that it was strange waking up on a Saturday morning knowing that I wasnt going to meet her ! lol

Now Im just chilling out at home in my little candle lit apartment watching Futurama getting all excited for when my Mum and Jai get here !

Friday, 23 February 2007

Back to the Grindstone

No. Im gonna do it again even though Im tired and peed off ! Basically Im really tired and need my zzzz's tonight. Am gonna have a serious chill out weekend. Probably do some lazy shopping in town and go catch a movie tomorrow with my new sister Cara ! Planned to go hiking but really think I need to get some rest !

Todays been good, back to school and finally went book shopping with Ruby my manager. I am so relieved that Ive finally got a few books to help me with some lessons! Its been almost four months now with no books (apart from winter camp)and its been a challenge ! I shouldnt complain though oz Ive learnt tons ! I can actually say that I know Im a good teacher :) lol

Anyway, a new guy has started the hagwon called Steve and hes doing all his presentations fo rus right now and his training that he has to do. It made me feel all nostaligic this afternoon thinking back to when I first started here and how excited and nervous I was ! It feels like yesterday that it was me stood up there giving presentations and discussions and stuff ! In some ways I feel like Ive been here ages and then in others I feel like I came yesterday.

Watching the sun go down this afternoon made me realise how much Im gonna miss tihs place when I finally have to say farewell. I m so blessed with what Ive got here. The company I work for istnt a company as far as Im concerned. Its a family.

I cant believe how amazing they've been and I adore them all and love it! Ive made some attatchments to a few of the kids which Im pleased about but also a bit worried.... having to say farewell is gonna break my heart at the end of the year ! Anyway, Ive rewalised over the past few weeks of being here that this time that Ive come away from home everything is different. God has been in everything Ive done out here for a change. When Ive been away before Ive shut him out completely and nothings ever gone as half as nice as it has out here! God seems to have just prepared eveything out here for me. I feel so blessed and loved and looked after its amazing!

Anyway, I need my beauty sleep coz trust me I dont feel very beau right now ! Steve was cheekily picking out my wrinkles under my eyes today and telling me I look old....hhhmmmppphhh lol.
Heres a few pics of the kids :) My camera s broken but Ill get some fresh ones soon !

Okay. Ive just added a blog wihch took me an hour to write and Ive just deleated it by accident. I am really tired tonight and cant be arsed writing another.Goodnight !

Thursday, 22 February 2007

Thats just the way it is :)

So cinderella's finally gone back home to Mummy and Jo's house is dog free, smell free, wee free, poo free, toy free, noise free...aaaahhh. And I was thinking about getting a pup...yeh right. No Way. Never Again. She weed on my matress that many times that I reckon the hagwon workers are gonna think I'm the one who's been weeing the bed....

Back at school yesterday and was exhausted with the travelling back from Seoul after my sleepless but amazing night up the prayer mountain! I met up with Jackies friend today at my local Homever to buy a rice cooker, blender, bookshelf, lamp and shoe rack from them. I was so excited when I got in about having a blender that I dropped it on the floor and it smashed into pieces. Gutted. Im such a butter fingers sometimes. Or such a muppet. Anyway, Ive got the rice cooker on now and its been on for about an hour and still no cooked rice. Youve got to laugh.

Anyway, my place looks nicer with my new lamp and bookshelf even if I havent got any rice to eat tonight and no smoothie for my breakfast :) Lol.

Up the Prayer Mountain

I heard about these prayer mountains before I came out here from my mate Vicky and it was one of the things I was looking forward to the most. On Tuesday I decided that I'd use my last, unexpected day off in search of the prayer mountain linked to the full gospel church in Yeouido. I got up later than Iwanted because I was so tired from not stopping all weekend but I eventually got to Seoul, took the subway (many wrong stop offs and time delays I have to say coz I kept dozing off on the sub !) but... i eventually got there to Yeouido and asked someone for directions to the Full Gospel Church. I took a nice walk along the entrance of Hangang Park and decided to get a taxi the rest of the way as I'd stupidly put on my gorgeous six inchers. I used to be so hardcore when it came to wearing high shoes. Now I think Im loosing it girls ! (lol)

Anyway, the taxi driver was really sweet and he gave me a free lift about two seconds from where I'd got in the taxi pointing out the huge church. I had to wait an hour for the next bus up the mountain but the guards were really friendly in there and took me to the bus stop. I kind of expected the mountain to be really out of the way in the middle of nowhere and really high up, hidden in the peaks but to my suprise it was more of a retreat cetntre. It was really last minute of me to even go (and I had nothing with me at all) but as I was waiting for the bus to arrive to take us up the prayer mountain I realised that the last bus back to the church was at 9pm and it was 3.30 pm at the time we were all getting picked up to go. I really wanted to stay longer so I thought Id maybe stay the night. When the bus pulled in to the centre about an hour later the korean woman Id been sat next to shouted over to one of the guards who worked at the prayer mountain. He called me to follow him and the english speaking koreans told me to follow him as I was a foreigner and had to stay in different accomodation. I was like 'Heeeeyyyyy wait a minute I dont even know if i wanna stay yet et me check this place out first' but i followed him anyway coz I guessed that he'd lead me to someone who could tell me a bit more about the place where I was ! Ive studied a bit about cults and wanted to be sure you know !? lol.

He took me to Love House (in fact he was walking ahead at quite a speed ) and in my beautiful heels I trip trapped after him trying to keep up. The worker in there was really nice and so was the accomodation so I decided to stay and use my last night up wisely. What better way to use up my last night than to chill out with God for a bit? There was a lot I needed to pray about to him. My room was really big and comfortable and after Id checked it out I went off to explore. The place has a big meeting 'sanctuary' and lots of different little chapels everywhere, grottos to sleep in (like little biro huts all built in together), a little mini farm with ostritches, deer/antelope/reindeer things, birds, rabbits and dogs (BIG dogs :( ) Theres a big park for kids and a little running track and the place was really nice. I ate in the restaurant and had a nice walk and tried to relax in the surroundings. It got dark pretty quick and so I went to check out the worship service in the sanctuary. It was amazing. There was a lot of older people there, mainly older women who were sat and lay on the floor on bedding and sleeping mats. I was so gutted that I culdnt understand any of the service but I really met with God and the worship was nice to hear. I think I may have caught some kind of special worship conference there maybe.

After the service I walked around the campus. The stars were out and the beautiful graveyard overlooking the place was full of korean voices singing out and praying. Some screaming, some crying, some crying out really loud in tongues. It reminded me of the garden of Gethsemene which a lot of the grottos were named after and I ventured up there at one point before I went to sleep and sat on a cement bench just listening to the voices of people screaming and calling out to God. It was so amazing. God really spoke to me about a lot of things I'm having problems with right now and simial verses in the bible really stuck out for me all night in the sanctuary. It was amazing to see so many praying out to God and walking around the centre after the service was amazing too. The grottoes in the night were all lit up and I just stood outside the doors listening to people praying, crying , screaming.

The cemetary at the top of the mountain was pretty freaky and one of the men up there sounded like he was being excorcised but another woman was close by powerfully praying her words in tongues and the two seemed to balance it out.I've got to say it was a bit freaky at times alone. I think it's because I just dont understand a word of korean and it added to the alienness of it all! I decided to go and get an early night and I thought that Id had enough coffee that night so I went back to my room, soaked my tired feet (from my very gorgeous shoes :) ) and prayed and read my bible. Thinking that Id have a really relaxing nights sleep I rested my head and hoped to fall asleep.I dont sleep a wink though. Not a wink. The noises in that place were amazing and I couldnt sleep one bit. The noises were really something and they lasted all night. I didnt appreciate it at the time but I prayed to myself worrying that without my alarm on my phone I wouldnt get up in the morning for the 7am bus back to Seoul. I know if I ever go up there again It'll be when Im not teaching the next day for sure ! For someone foreign to go there and not be religious...I reckon it could be quite a scary place at night. I think they'd crap themselves.

It was an amazing experience but I wouldnt go again on my own. To just go and pray though to God and not mind being woken up all night long or not even getting any sleep at all -its amazing. God really met with me even though and Im really glad I went. Despite me not wanting to go back alone I think I really needed to that night.

Just me and God alone up a prayer mountain.

Will add some pics when i get my camera developed!

Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Pure Decadence at Asan Hot Springs

It was so nice to have a little lie in on Monday morning after the hectic night 'getting down and dirty' in Bubi Bubi :) haha.It was nice to just have a lazy morning slowly getting ready and making my way to the train station to meet Cara and Monica. I got there an hour early but it was so nice to just chill out in the sunshine and watch the hoard of korean males standing in the yok square playing games and korean kids walking past teasing one another. Monica arrived and when she did a korean lady came up to us and gave us a teddy bear bag each filled with Korean Rice Cake (dok) and orange juice. Its amazing the things people do for us foreigners out here. The lady was from a presbyterian church in Cheonan and was giving them out to random foreign peeps in the square. It was so nice and Monica even insited that she had a picture taken to remember her by :) Most people are honestly lovely here and really go out of their way to help at any time. I dont think Ive ever felt as looked after in any other country or place Ive ever visited. People are so generous, giving and friendly Its amazing!

We headed to the hot springs on the bus and got shouted at by the narky bus driver and the woman at the bus station at the other end wasnt that friendly with us either but we just put it down to the fact that they were working on Lunar New Year Holiday and must have been pretty gutted about that! (Suppose it goes against everything Ive just said about everyone being lovely ! haha) Anyway the bus driver was really angry and think he was telling us to get off his bus at one point and it did take us a while to find out which way to go but finally we decided to take a taxi to the springs in Asan and it was great. A real relaxing day chilling out in the hot springs and in the different pools inside the building and out. The jimjilbang in there is really amazing too and I just wished at the time that we could have stayed longer because it was massive and so relaxing! Ill definately be going again thats for sure! I got a full body scrub in there by a lovely korean woman who washed my hair and massaged my back and neck. She made me feel like a queen. I could have stayed in there all night seriously! I was really nice to chat to the gals and I realised that Gods really been amazing and has given me some really lovely friends here already so thanks for all you guys back at home who've been praying for this !

After we'd finished in there the lovely lady in the shop got us a taxi back to Cheonan for 20,000 won. Bargain. Was a really nice day and Ill definately be going back. If you want a totally relaxing day out near Cheon-an si you should go! And I 'll come with you !

Lunar New Years Sunday

My first kids group at church was pretty fun! Cute little Emma kept me entertained for most of the morning in her beautiful little pink korean dress jumping about on Byron and twirling around dancing in her dress. Sunny picked me up from mine after church and it was to the Nams for mandu-making. It was really nice to spend some time with the family drinking red wine, eating dinner, watching a barbie film with the kids :)

Was my first church group get together too and Cara made the BEST satay chicken Ive ever tasted in my whole life. You go girl.Dont have a clue how I'm gonna live up to that this week! :( ! lol ! Sunday night I chatted (whats new ?) and danced myself stupid at Cheon-ans Niche and Bubi-Bubi and drunk as much beer as I wanted with knowing that I had Monday Morning free to lie in bed...Met loadds of new peeps who all seem pretty cool and funny and I swear the swing in there is the hightlight of my night everytime I venture in there.Last time Iwent me and my mate tried to re-enact the Dirty Dancing water scene. Lets just say it didnt work and that the swing is miles away from where they were stood. Enough said. And i wonder where I get all my bruises from ;)

Bukhansan Hike

Awwww Maaan was the hike nice but its was pretty scary too being so high up in the peaks with nothing much to hold on to. I was tired enough from the hike in Songnisan National Park last week and I could really notice my lack of evergy or 'spunk' as my American mates inform me over here! Anyway I had hardly my legs were tired but it was fun anyway hiking up Donbongsan Peak like little mountain goats.Me, Jackie, Cara and Rhys (new boy from Preston, Manchester Massif ! haha So good to hear a manc accent ! ) The walk got pretty steep towards the top but it was really nice with lots of hermitages, temples, mountains and of course the sunset. The adrenaline had kicked in by the time I realised we were near the top but I've gotta admit that I felt pretty freaked out too having to literally do the spilts whilst scaling the large, smooth rocks. Without the metal posts I seriously couldnt have got up there. It took some serious arm muscle work and I felt like I'd done a full body workout the next day. The ice and the 'mani mani' korean hikers made the experience a bit scary (especially with a few women crying out on the way down and watching the o.a.p's slip and slide about !) but the bit of adrenaline overtook and the view was that stunning I'm more scared thinking about it now than I was up there. The view was stunning and the sunshine was hitting the jagged peaks in such a beautiful way. Coming down was definately scary but the best bit of hiking after the taking in the view as far as Im concerned! Theres nothing better than running down a mountain and swinging from tree branches like a little monkey :)

The hermitage on the way down that we stopped at was really pretty too and the view of Seoul sat pretty in the distance. The walk (or run ) down was cool and there were plenty of rest places and picnic spots to take a break. Was nice chilling out in the sunshine feeling the cool breeze through the trees and being followed by little korean boys who were really interested in keeping up with us :)

Afterwards we headed back to Cheonan feeling pretty knackered and hungry and I ate more Galbi than I think Ive ever eaten before in one go. Serious.

Friday, 16 February 2007

Busy Lunar New Year Weekend Ahead! tomorrow I've got another hike finally decided on to Bukhansan National Park in Seoul. Am really excited coz Ive seen it but not walked up it yet and it looks pretty stunning.
Its Lunar New Years Day on Sunday and the hagwon where I work have just told me that I've got an extra day off on Tuesday which Im well pleased about! In a way Im gutted that I didnt know earlier as me and a mate were planning on going to China for a few days and four days would have been perfect if only I'd have known !'s far to late to get a visa now and I've got commitments sorted now too. Plus! The Nam family have invited me around to make Mandu on Sunday and I cant say no to that !

Last time I went round to their home I watched in awe as Mrs Nam (the leading woman of the household) made kimchi with her friends on their living room floor. Kitted out in marigolds and aprons they all sat in a big circle cross legged and urged me to join them on their big plastic sheet :) It was such a cool thing to watch and do in my managers home and I was looked after all day and shared nice freshly cooked food before we all headed off to the jimjilbang. Rubys brother and girlfriend are chefs and Mrs Nams cooking tastes amazing! We ate fresh, bolied pork wrapped in lettuce leaves (similar to saemgaepsal) but with fresh oysters and kimchi in it. Im not a fussy eater but the fresh oysters...nah ! Not for me Im afraid. I think they look like big bogeys. And probably taste like them too.

This Nam family have been so kind and have really made this experience so far for me. I love the way that the family seems to be out here. Maybe not all korean families are like this but this one has been so nice to see. They spend so much time with one another working together, living together, playing together, it's amazed me how close they are together. I think that England could learn alot from South Korea about what the family really means. It's made me realise what's really important and it's just a shame that families in the U.K arent as knitted together as these over here. Its been so interesting to see how the family dynamics work here and also to explore the different roles men and women play here. I know I cant generalise just by spending time with one korean family and I know that all korean men aren't probably as committed to their families as this one but Mr Nam...there's one man here that i really respect! I can tell by just spending time with his lovely wife and family that he's nurtured, cherished and brought that family up with so much love, time, respect and care. The way he looks at them and talks to them you can really tell he's really proud of what he's made with his wife. As for Mrs Nam...I LOVE that woman. She seems so, so strong and I really respect her. She's someone I dont think Ill ever forget and I really look up to her. She seems to wear the trousers sometimes and she's so matriarchal. She's helped to carry that family and it shows. I can tell they've brought up a lovely family that they're proud of. They all live together and when I went round the first time Rubys brother was helping out around the house on the beck and call of the women making kimchi bringing tupperware boxes to them and carrying them out when they were full. I was quite amused as they were shouting for him to take their orders ! lol. Rubys sister Sunny and her husband have been good to me too :) Theyve taken me up to Seoul to palaces and out or food and to museums and for tea with the kids. They've been lovely to be with. The kids are great too and being in school today has made me just realise how lucky I am to be here and what an amazing job Ive really got here. Although I've got no books to work from and have been planning my own lessons out here (yes ! my OWN for four months !) I'm loving it now Ive settled in and I just feel so lucky :). God's been amazing. He's planned this for me and I feel so so lucky.

Today also gave me a glimpse of what spring is gonna be really like :) Its been a lovely day. Sunny, blue skies, cool breezes through the hagwon overlooking gwandeoksan mountain...its been bliss and Im really excited about what else I've got to look forward to out here. It a different experience to any other Ive had before. Its not a mad party capital and Im not out every night 'till the early hours of the morning but I didnt want this trip to be like that. For those of you who know me know well enough that Ive done enough partying to last me a lifetime ! :)

This experience is so like being in a spiritual hospital like I told a few of you in my latest group email. Its nice just to chill out, enjoy the surroundings I've been called to and the people that are being put into my paths. Its exciting :) Will keep you posted.

Wednesday, 14 February 2007

For Candy x

To my special mate Candy who took me right under her litte wing. Here are some pics of the angel I'll never forget. I'm so thankful I met her and got to spend a little bit of time getting to know her. She was really special to me and Ive got some good memories of our time together that I'll never forget :)

Monday, 12 February 2007

Redeeming Love

I have to share this with you all coz Ive had a love affair with it the moment I opened the beautiful pages. Its a book called Redeeming Love written by Francine Rivers that my mate Cara lent me and I can honestly say that I think it's the best book Ive ever read in my life. I was addicted straight away and I couldnt put it down. In fact I couldnt even sleep properly at night coz I was getting so involved with the characters and its left something really amazing with me. READ IT ! It's amazing and I've never cried so much at book in my life. Im not even gonna bother explaining the story youve got to read it to believe it ! Its left something in me that I cant even begin to explain. Ill never forget the characters in my life.It shows you how TRULY AMAZING Gods Love is for his children and that no matter what you can turn to him and he will sort you out through any circumstance.Read it - thats an order !

Sunday, 11 February 2007

Dog Soup

Thought it would be great to have a little friend around the place but I didnt realise how much they pee and poo. I love her to bits but its seriously put me off getting a doggie :( My brand new bed has been peed on now about 8 times this week. Thats once a day man.
My mattress is gonna be runied along with my korean quilts that were given to me by my hagwon.I've tried washing it down and turning it over but its one that is impossible to turn over as the legs are screwed into it! My managers gonna think it's been me thats been weeing the bed. As for the doggie poo... well.... My floor has also been cleaned now a hundred times ! I keep telling Sindy that if she doesnt stop peeing all over my bed and pooing where she wants that she'll be made into poshintang or even hotdog. She doesnt believe me ;)
Im enjoying having her over but her biting is getting worse and she is sinking her little gnashers into my legs and even attempting the toe amputation technique. Im sure this little doggie angel has been bred with a young rotweiler ! Its seriously put me off having a doggie. Ive been told by Jai that Im not angry enough with her when I tell her off but she just looks up at me with those cute little puppy dog eyes. I think this girlie has me wrapped around her little finger.

Songnisan Backpacking Weekend

Wow...what a weekend Ive had guys. Its been great! Me, Cara, Jackie and Betsy decided to go backpacking up to Songnisan and its been the best weekend Ive had in Cheonan so far. Reckon the hike was about 17KM altogether. Am slowly regaining my fitness level!

We got the bus to Cheongju then another to Songnisan National Park where we took a quick look at the Beopjusa Temple before we started our steep hike up the mountain. We started out for Cheonawangbong the highest point in the National Park but to my joy it started to snow. I wasn't pleased that we didnt get to climb to the very top but was so pleased coz the place looked so beautiful and the mountains and trees looked like they were being dusted with some kind of icing sugar. I felt like I was in my own little Land of Narnia :)

We headed back down coz people were heading down with clampons attatched to their hiking boots and we didnt have any apart from Jackie. So...we climbed down and went for some rest at our little hut. It was such a nice little place to stay overnight and if any of you are visiting I'll definately be taking you there! All four of us stayed in a little heated room with electricity and heating and were cooked for by the korean hosts. The surroundings were lovely and quaint and their was a little stream running through the rocks and mountains surrounding us. It was so nice to just get away to think in such beautiful surroundings! The sound of the running stream, the mountains and trees and chipped rocks, bamboo leaves and a million different trees. There was a little bridge going across the stream and smooth rocks to sit on and admire the beautiful surroundings. In front of the hut was a little picnic area with seats and wooden trunks to sit on and there were a few chimineys there. The thought of the place in summer made me feel excited...

It was really nice to hear the female host talking to us in English (or trying her very best anyway :) ) lol She was so sweet and the food was gorgeous. She and her 80 odd year old frail mother served us up fresh mountain vegetables, bean curd soup and loads of other gorgeous korean side dishes and rice. I felt quite guilty sat there enjoying the jasmine tea and my favourite kimchi whilst she was sat there hunched over with her old, frail body making sure we had enough rice and food in us. Her daughter was telling us how she looks after the place and both her mother and father and us girls had a natter about how lonely this poor little woman must get out there in the middle of no-where all by herself. She even said that she was lonely and I sensed a tweak of it as we said we were gonna go hit our sacks.I'd really like to go back sometime just to see the people we met on the way coz that wasnt the only person we met on our backpacking 'adventure' lol :)

We stayed in the little shack all night and had the earliest night Ive had in a LONG time. Didn't sleep that well as the heated floor was roasting and I woke up in a hot sweat after having yet another bad dream and soaked to the bone coz it was so hot in there! At least we werent freezing anyway and it was a laugh!

We woke up at about 8 all feeling dirty and sweaty in our little shack in the middle of the forest and Cara and Betsy decided to head on back to Cheonan. Me and Jackie were feeling a bit more adventurous so we decided to go a bit further and check out a bit more of the trek. We found the next hut where people can stay overnight and it was a bit more shabbier and rustic than the one we stayed in. I grabbed some breakfast there and we were invited into their smoky kitchen where we sat on the floor on mini stools and ate together. It was nice and the heat of the kitchen and the smell of the food being cooked in the open korean style fires was really comforting. After our hot rice and rameon we headed up the mountain where we came across a sign which indicated which way we needed to turn for the peak we were heading to. Lost in converstaion and the excitement to carry on exploring after our break from the hundred stairs we'd both just clambered up we veered left. I was a little confused following Jackie as the peak we were heading to stated that we needed to take a right to get there but she was walking left. I didnt bother saying anything and just followed as the way we were going looked inviting and as you all know I love to explore and I felt like a big kid. For a start there was a huge, huge rock which looked like it had been chipped into and it looked like a walkway had been created. We walked through it nd even past a rope that was dangling in front of the walkway with korean writing on it. When we got up I couldnt believe the view . It was beautiful. Me and Jackie decided to sit down on the grass by a rock shrine looking thing. The sun was out and it was a warm place to sit we thought but as Jackie began to lay down her mat a man shouted and told us we werent allowed to sit there. I then realised he was a monk and that we were right by his tiny hermitage. He waved for us to come up the stairs and invited us into his little house. I honestly felt so guilty going in after climning over the rope and sitting on his sacred plot. Anyway it seemed like he wanted us there so we stayed there.For about three hours! It was the nicest thing Ive experienced since Ive got here. His hospitality was amazing and he fed us with beautiful fresh tea, chocolate, fresh strawberries, avocado and then went off to do his chanting and praying in the next little room. It was a beautiful sound and he was at it for a while before he came out to talk and get some rice as an offering to Buddah then went back in to finish. He chimed his bell he had in his little hut and then came back in to feed us with rice, soup, lotus root and loads of other lovely things. It was so nice to just be there with him and exerience his way of life for just a few hours. Jackie and him talked a lot as best they could and it was nice to just listen to him answering her questions about his life and about being a monk. I was enticed and Ive come away today feeling so blessed and loved for that little monks sheer hospitality and kindness to two cold, tired, hungry backpackers. I'll never forget that monk. Ill never forget the smell in there, the sounds of him chanting, his lovely little hut and surroundings that he showed us before we left. It was really amazing. The view he had was out of this world and he's all up there by himself. Happy to just live his simple life worshipping his God showing his hospitality to wanderers such as Jackie and myself.

Id like to go back one day to see how that little monk and that lonely woman are doing.

Definately by far my best time in Cheonan so far. And Ive only been here a few months...

Sunday, 4 February 2007

Free Hugs !

I first saw a 'Free Hugs' sign on someones blog I was reading a few months ago and couldn't stop laughing. The first time I saw one being held up by a guy in Cheon-an was a few weeks ago and I HAD to go and sandwich him between me and my mate. Think he was a bit suprised as he'd been stood there for ages without anyone approaching him for one :( aww. Think its such a cute idea and SO Korean! This would SO not happen in Manchester. It would attract all the weirdos for sure. I dread to think....
Have shaken on it with a friend that we've got to do the free hug thing in Cheonan before we leave....the more I think about it the more I regret it !

Gwandeoksan Hike!

Never been hardcore hiking before until I found out Jackie was going with a few others from Cheonan. Boy was it hard work but boy was it a lot of fine fun :) Felt so good to get some fresh, clean air into these abused lungs of mine. Am soooo chuffed that Ive actualy chucked in the fag habit once and for all. I think I would have almost died if I was still smoking during this hike. The hike up was so steep (dont think the peeps I went with thought it was hardcore! )but we went at a good pace and had breaks. It got to be said though that the trip down the icy mountain was a whole lotta fun....think I slid down about 1/4 of the way on my bum.

Meet Sindyrella !

So Carole's gone away to Indonesia for two weeks on a mission with my church and look who shes asked me to look after.... She is gorgeous but has an OBSESSION with hands and feet. Its really nice to have a bit of company around the place :) Am gonna enjoy have her about I reckon :)