Awwww Maaan was the hike nice but its was pretty scary too being so high up in the peaks with nothing much to hold on to. I was tired enough from the hike in Songnisan National Park last week and I could really notice my lack of evergy or 'spunk' as my American mates inform me over here! Anyway I had hardly my legs were tired but it was fun anyway hiking up Donbongsan Peak like little mountain goats.Me, Jackie, Cara and Rhys (new boy from Preston, Manchester Massif ! haha So good to hear a manc accent ! ) The walk got pretty steep towards the top but it was really nice with lots of hermitages, temples, mountains and of course the sunset. The adrenaline had kicked in by the time I realised we were near the top but I've gotta admit that I felt pretty freaked out too having to literally do the spilts whilst scaling the large, smooth rocks. Without the metal posts I seriously couldnt have got up there. It took some serious arm muscle work and I felt like I'd done a full body workout the next day. The ice and the 'mani mani' korean hikers made the experience a bit scary (especially with a few women crying out on the way down and watching the o.a.p's slip and slide about !) but the bit of adrenaline overtook and the view was that stunning I'm more scared thinking about it now than I was up there. The view was stunning and the sunshine was hitting the jagged peaks in such a beautiful way. Coming down was definately scary but the best bit of hiking after the taking in the view as far as Im concerned! Theres nothing better than running down a mountain and swinging from tree branches like a little monkey :)
The hermitage on the way down that we stopped at was really pretty too and the view of Seoul sat pretty in the distance. The walk (or run ) down was cool and there were plenty of rest places and picnic spots to take a break. Was nice chilling out in the sunshine feeling the cool breeze through the trees and being followed by little korean boys who were really interested in keeping up with us :)
Afterwards we headed back to Cheonan feeling pretty knackered and hungry and I ate more Galbi than I think Ive ever eaten before in one go. Serious.
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