Saturday, 28 April 2007

More sweet Goodbyes

So Ruby gave me the morning and early afternoon off on Friday so I could spend some quality time with Mum before she left for the U.K today. We did some extremely brisk shopping in town and then waited an hour and 10 minutes for the bus to Gwandeoksan in the blazing heat. Was worth the wait though even though the day was a little rushed to be back for my afternoon lesson!

Ruby invited us around for a meal with the family to say Goodbye and Mum was rather impressed yet again with their total hospitality and kindness :) I introduced her to Rubys Grandmother who lives with them (she's adorable) and we all sat down to eat samgyapsal together. Was a perfect way to say Goodbye and Sujan sat hugging my Mum all the way back home in the car. Bless her little cotton socks.
Constanly reminded how lucky I am to have this family. Theyre amazing and mentioned how theyd love me to stay for another year :) Ive seriously never met a family as hospitable to me as this out of the U.K before. Theyre amazing and I feel so at home with them.

Me and Mum headed off in different directions this morning which was a bit weird. Felt a bit bad putting her in a taxi to the bus terminal alone as Id got mixed up with the dates for the Sanok Race with Church :( So...she was unable to run in it with us and she would have loved it !

Its been a really hot day but really fun. Ive never run in a race before, in fact Ive never run in heat like today before either. A lot of the guys from church who did the half marathons made it in amazing time ! Watching them come to the finish line minutes after we'd crossed it made me realise how unfit I am compared to the others ! Example..Jo- 1.03 mins (10km) Gordon- something like 1.30 mins (half marathon) ..eeerrrr..someone needs to get training :)Would definately do it again though :) Got a new challenge on my hands and theres nothing better than a challenge for this girl.

Wednesday, 25 April 2007

Taejosan and Wet Willies

We had Ruby and the rest of my co-workers around yesterday for dinner at my place. We had a nights notice to prepare and my cooking's enough to kill the cat so I cheated and went to my nearest kimbap place, ordered 7 huge bibimbaps and got them to put them all in my washing up bowl.Very Naughty ;)

It was really nice to have them all around and to Mums shock we all sat on the floor- Korean Stylee of course and ate together. After lots of maaashitsayos we rushed off to the hagwon for work to my naughty, little students. When my mate Caras nephew does something naughty his 'rents give him a bum pinch. I was thinking about the best punishment for my students a few weeks ago when my boys were being really naughty in class.Of course I cant go around pinching bums so for all my students who are really cheeky or bad now...they get a wet finger shoved in their ear. One of the worse feelings ever and they hate it. I think its funny- not very professional but FUNNY especially when they're off guard coz they're being that naughty. Gave a few out this week and had my students howling with laughter sat with their hoods up (for the lucky ones who had them) all lesson. Could probably get the sack if I made a kid cry over that. Anyway, took Mum to Taejosan this morning with 'ma betches' Jacki, Jenni and of course Betch. Had a good gentle hike and laughed at Mum coming down as it was pretty slippy. Again we've had mint weather :) Think its gonna get hotter in the next few weeks. Some soilder at the weekend told me the humidity levels reach this true? Sounds unbearable... Im gonna die.

Sunday, 22 April 2007

Beautiful Day

So Ive been really baaaad with this blog recently coz Ive been so busy so will try to update y'all a little. On Saturday Morning Mrs Nam picked me and my Mum up and drove us down to Wyam Folk Village with Sujan and Wendy. The weather was beautiful and the Folk Village looked stunning with the cherry blossoms and other pretty flowers out soaking up the sunshine. The village was full of colour and beautiful smells and we spent a good few hours showing my Mum around. We had some dinner..Mums really tried bless her (!) and then Mrs Nam drove us to the Onyang Folk Museum coz there was some kind of female expedition on. There were alot of really old jewellery pieces on display and old ladies clothes and things- pretty boring but mum liked it. I hate museums but this one wasnt really too bad :) After soaking up some more sunshine and running around after the girls we then drove to the Hyeonchungsa shrine which was probably the highlight of the past few days Ive had with Mum being here. The grounds were really pretty and it was nice to just walk around the lake with the girls and Mrs Nam and enjoy the setting in the heat of the day. We sure ran off some calories running around with the girls. Didnt realise how much fun you could have pretending to be David Beckham and Ji Sung Park kicking a can around :) Seriously in Love with Sujan and Wendy. They make my day :)

After a long day at work today I rushed home and took Mum to meet my mate KyungRan for supper at ShabuShabu. Ive realised since Mum got here how much Ive really made attatchments to certain people and things over here. You only have to look at my photos of the girls to understand why Ive fallen in LOve with them.They're like my adopted sisters :) Then theres the lovely Mrs Nam whos taken me on as her own...thats just for starters. The people, the place, my hagwon, my church, the lady downstairs, my apartment, (even my plants ;)) Talking to my Mum the past few days has had me thinking alot about what Im missing at home though. In the past few years of me trekking about Ive missed 4 of my good friends weddings and I miss another one this weekend and another in a few months. Ive missed funerals of loved ones and Ive missed my friends babies births-probably the hardest. When I think about how much Im in Love with Korea and everything Ive been blessed with here Im also thinking how much Ive actually missed already with mates and weddings and babies and happy times (sad too) and I dont think I wanna miss anymore :(

When Ive travelled before I came to Korea Ive always been kind of running away from things back in Manchester. This time with Korea though its so much more different. Leaving Manchester in November I knew that the things I had back at home were really amazing. The people, the opportunity, everything. In a way although I was excited about coming to Korea and knew I wouldnt change my mind about teaching here I was kind of thinking to myself on the plane...what am I doing when I have so many good things back at home? I guess the past year Ive been so blessed by God. Not only have I got amazing things back at home that are calling me but Ive got amazing things Ive been blessed with here.Gonna enjoy the next six months Ive got left. Cant believe Im half way through my contract!

Friday, 20 April 2007

So Im in work today and its not really that busy. The weathers gone really crap today and it feels as though gale force winds are blowing outside! Think Mums left the good weather back at home as far as Ive heard! Think she thought it'd be pretty warm here... Its honestly warm one minute practically freezing the next but I know spring is here as its definatley a lot warmer these days.

Well..I took Mum to the jimjilbang yesterday near my apartment. I dont think Ive laughed so much in a long time :) We both got full body treatments, massages and scrubs and thinking Id be kind I let my mum go first. In some jimjilbangs the treatment section is cornered off and a little more private but in this jimjilbang the treatment section is on full show for everyone to view. Two white women in there was enough to stare at for a start but when the rather large ajuma started hacking away and pummelling my poor Mums muscles there were even more stares and giggles from where I was sat :) It was like something out of a comedy movie watching her. She gave us both a good going over jumping up onto the massage bed and straddling us.We must have looked like rag dolls being dragged about so much. We both thought we were gonna fly off the beds at one point.Ive seriously not laughed so loud since I got here. The noise was the best of her chopping away with her huge hands and flipping us over pulling our legs out in various positions. Seriously..I couldnt stop snorting with laughter coz of the shocked look on my poor Mums face:) She was a bit of a beast and enough to scare any massage virgin :( Ive never had my backside or boobs rubbed so hard in my life.Dont think Ill be taking my poor Mum again...I seriously HOWLED.

Feeling very squeaky clean and soft today and have a lot of energy from being butchered. Ill definately be going back again :) Took her for a nice coffee this morning in town and am taking her out to meet some of the girls tonight for an Italian. Should be fun. Have missed the girls! :)

Wednesday, 18 April 2007

I was back in work yesterday after my extra two days off with my Mum so I decided to take her in and show her round. The kids were really great and I felt quite proud of some of the older kids as they all lined up to say Hewo and to shake hands with her :) Cute as. Because my Mum sat in on lots of my classes the kids really behaved quite well and a few of them were really excited that another wayguk was sat in the classroom.A group of my little girls were asking how Mum got over here from England and one of the little girls asked if she came in a spaceship.

After my lessons had finished Mr and Mrs Nam took us out with the rest of the Nam family for a big meal. It was really nice and Ruby has mentioned how she wants to take us out on Saturday to Wyam folk village which I think my Mum'll like :)

These are short and sweet recently. Am now gonna take my Mum to be scrubbed and pummeled in my closest jimjilbang. Hope she's not too sore afterwards !

Tuesday, 17 April 2007

So I took My Mum off to Seoul today with the school giving me an extra day off and we ventured over to the Boshingak Bell Ringing Ceremony where we were asked by envious Korean onlookers if we could help to ring the bell at 11.45 :) It was really funny and we felt really daft having to practically march behind the guards in their bright yellow and red outfits with crowds of onlookers. Think we both felt quite priveledged as a little old man metioned how wucky we were to have been involved with it :) Bless him. Felt a bit like a celebrity with everyone snapping away at us :)

The weathers been a bit nicer today after the miserable one yesterday and the cherry blossoms were out surrounding the Bukhansan Mountain Peaks and Gyeongbokgung Palace and it was a really pretty, bright day. We had a good walk about in Insadong and took Mum for some Korean style rice and bulgogi....she's trying but a little overwhelmed by the food right now but how can I blame her after the audacity she had shoved in her face on her first korean meal out?! hee :) Its all TOO FUNNY for me to watch her face each time the waiters bring out our food ;)

We did a bit of shopping in Myeongdong and then took the KTX right back home now hungry for some grub and an early night ready for a good old back massage tomorrow morning at my local jimjilbang. Bring it on Ajumas ! Bliss.

Monday, 16 April 2007

With Mum being so jet lagged last night and going off to bed major early I thought Id get some beauty zzz's and put my head down at 8.30. It was probably the earliest night Ive had here in Korea :)

Gutted about the weather as its rained all day and has been miserable but we had fun anyway! We went for Kalbi at a little place I know and the first thing she had shoved in her face was a big juicy bowl of pondegi. Her face was a picture :) Dont think she'l ever forget that one ! After giving her a extremely short tour of the town due to the constant downpour we did a bit of shopping and then grabbed a few coffees. Now my Mum is a serious coffee drinker but Im telling you now the coffees upstairs of Yawoori are seriously STRONG and I think coz of the jet lag it knocked her off her rocker a bit- they are violently potent...beware.

We then grabbed a movie and are gonna hopefully venture out later for a massage at my nearby jimjilbang.Wonder what she'll think about that ?! If its anything like last times poking and prodding I think she'll be outta there as fast as ever. Its soooooo good having my Mum over here !

Sunday, 15 April 2007

So Mum got here today ! I cant believe shes here in South Korea! In Cheonan ! Its so weird. She pretty jet lagged and has gone to sleep it off until tomorrow. Ive been kindly given off two days for free from my hagwon to spend with her so want her to be full of energy so I can show her the sights of the South.

Ive been mad busy the past few days and the weeks are flying by recently. Met up with a lot of friends this week in random places and also had my first dvd bang experience. Me, Kalbi, Mekju and Rhys. A good mancunian/korean combination when you need lots of laughs :)Cara also took me to the local outdoor market near her place with Monica which was fun especially seeing Cara try to fly :) hee. Sometimes I totally forget that Im in Korea and walking around the market just reminded me that I actualy AM in Asia afterall and not really back at home like I sometimes think I could be. Ive got a little obsessed with the ajumas here though and my laptop files are explanding with the photos I keep accumulating of them. Watching them just amaze me I guess.

Went out on my girlie night on Wednesday and had a good session with Martie, Tina, Cara and Monica. Lots of soju cocktails ...mmmmmhmmmmm.Cheonan is pretty dead and a crap night out but thats where the girls and the soju come in to perk it up :)Schools been pretty busy as Ive had a lot of work to do making sure the next fortnights lessons are totally planned so I can chill out with my Mum when she comes in to work with me. Had a lot of progress reports to fill out too and speaking tests. Lots of boring stuff Im no longer gonna bore you with :)

Am now gonna chill after my hectic week of shopping, cleaning and socialising this week....need to organise the next few days with Mum ! Am buzzin that shes here and SO pleased Ive got the next two days off with her. Oh what to do...

Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Well seeing as Ive been so ill recently I didnt go to the gym ONCE last week. Considering I go everyday this is REALLY REALLY BAD. And considering my very naughty friend has a secret lust for the evil Mc Donalds I think Im in big bad trouble and falling down a slipery slope hanging out with her when Ive not eaten.(You know who yu are girl ! )Supposed to be running in the Sanok Race next Saturday and havent trained properly like everyone else seems to have...whoops. LOL. Ill probably just laugh all the way through it with my poor Mother. Hee.

Not doing any exercise makes me feel awful now that I train so much so not going last week has really shown. Ive been in a better mood and have been busier in different ways but have missed it and have realised that I havent been hiking in weeks ! Whats the deal ?!

Anyway, going out seems to be much more fun right now than exercise and the choice of going out partying rather than doing a session of weights suits me down to the ground when Im still feeeling so sniffly :) Hee.any excuse maaan...

SO Easter weekend was pretty busy helping out at church and have been kept busy with the girls out and about doing our thing ! Have had a bad cold all of last week and still seem to be prety run down from it.

Easter was a really nice weekend. Ate out on the Friday Night after the Good Friday candle lit meeting and tried pondegi for the first time. You can tell by my face I wasnt impressed. Silk worm larvae- not my thing. Dont believe anyone who tells you it tastes like 'chewy popcorn'. It doesnt.Its rank !

Dont really seem to go big on Easter over here but we made our own fun and went out for Yonis birthday on the Sunday at a nice restaurant in town. Girlie night ahead tomorrow which Im looking forward to. See what trouble we can get up to :) Tonight just popping into town to meet with my mate Rhys for dinner to see what hes been getting up to with all these poor ladies :) haha.

Had another giggle at work today as Sujan sat at the table and discussed with everyone at length about how fat she thinks I am. LOL. Gotta love em :)

Wednesday, 4 April 2007

So Im not fasting today coz Im on these antibiotics and feel rough as still. My apartments looking pretty bad too. Ive finally got my queen size double bed and sofa (aaaaaassssssaaaa) but because I have my old single in my room everything is just chucked in and I currently have one half of the sofa at one end of the room and the other at the other end. Ive tried putting my bed together which was funny. I always seem to have a good giggle with myself these days.Or at myself should I say. I put these cone things I have in the holes where I thought they'd go and flipped over the two plastic boards for my matress to lie on. Thinking that Id check it out with my body weight I gently applied my body pressure onto it one foot at a time. Thinking all was well I started to walk along it, bouncing a little and thinking what a great idea it was and how lucky I was to get a bed this size to chill out in.When I heared a big rip I realised that my body weight was too much and Ive actually snapped something I shouldnt have...whoops.

So my bed is kind of half finished with plastic cones about the place and bits of wood and drawers hanging about my apartment. It looks like Im gonna do a runner and am ready to pack my bags and leave. Im terrible at putting things together like anything to do with DIY. struggling with this cold/infection right now and am hoping these antiobiotics are gonna start working. Wanna be better for when my Mum gets here and wanna get this place nice for her too !

Too many Goodbyes

The past few days Ive been so busy here in Cheonan and Ive been really poorly with some kind of bad cold. Ive had a really tight chest and at times Ive felt as though Ive not been able to breathe properly so yesterday evening Sunny, my bosses sister took me to my local ent clinic where I had something rammed up my nose and my throat sprayed down. Nice. Think Ive got some kind of infection brooding on my chest so have been given some antibiotics to shift it. Think its all this cold, cold weather and getting caught in the freezing cold with only thin jackets ! Oh, what us gals do in the name of fashion.

Have also been pretty sad the past few days having to say bye to mates out here. Korea is so transient.I feel like I make friends so quickly like I do anywhere but here it seems people come into your life as quick as they go from it. One day they are here, the next they are gone. Just like that.

Its amazing the amount of people Ive met here already. Even people Ive met briefly in passing or people Ive not really got to know that well but have wanted to, it makes me wonder what my time here would have been like if Id have spent more time with them.I really believe people are put in our lives for a reason, that people cross our paths for a purpose. When people leave I try to just be thankful for getting the chance to meet them, for spending just a bit of time with them but still..its sad to say bye not knowing whether Im gonna see these people again when the truth is Id really like to! I guess Im just fed up of saying goodbyes but thats the price I have to pay for being such a gypsie girl I suppose.

I need sleep. Too many late nights.Too many Goodbyes.

Monday, 2 April 2007

School Bus

Another perfect time in the day for me is on the way to work on the school bus. Mrs Nam usually picks me at 1.30 and theres always a bundle of rowdy korean kiddies in the back munching on various kinds of sweets and candy. Theres two little girs who I dont teach but who I get the pleasure of playing hide and seek with most mornings and the bus rides are anbother memory that will stick in my head for a long time after I finish off in Korea.

Sunday, 1 April 2007

Jazz and Cocktails

So Saturday we headed to Seoul on the sub. Betch, Gordon et moi headed to Yongsan electronic market and then we met up with Jackshi and Cara Bara for a bite to eat at some restaurant we'd heard was pretty good. Cara ordered a portion of hommous and some pitta, Jackie some dips and Lentil soup, me and Betch opted for the Shawerma sandwich (apparently I cant say this right) and Gordon the Falafel. We waited for ages not really talking cause we were all so hungry. It finally got there and we all must have looked really funny to onlookers as we looked at the crappy portion sizes in laughter. I actually thought it was joke. Tasted wicked though but wont be going back to Abu Babbas or Abu Shabbas or whatever it was called.So Starbucks it was for quick lattes and coffees in the bid to fill our empty stomachs and then we all headed off in different directions. Me and Betch went hunting for the huge musical market walking around in circles to find that it was actually right under our noses the whole time. The market was an eye opener and Betch picked up a harmonica and some shakers for the talented, creative streak in her and we then headed off to the Jazz Club in Hyehwa with Mipa. Im honestly not a huge Jazz fan but the geezers that were playing were amazing and Id definately put my money on it that they were classically trained. The female vocalist was amazing and there was a really talented violinist, an amazing sax player, a cello player and a dude (thats so betchs word :) ) on the keyboard. It sounded so good that the hair on my whole body stood on end and its been a while that music's done that to me I can tell you. The instruments all sounded so amazing together and I tried to imagine what it would sound like without one of the instruments and it was just impossible.They all seemed to work together so well. The place was really quite unpretentious, candle lit, pretty romantic (!) and served a good pasta and good, strong black russian ! At last..a good meal !

Will definately be going there again. Didnt think I was a Jazz kinda gal but guess I was wrong. Am learning even more about myself...:)

Okay ! So I cant help but post pics of my students online ! I just want you all back at home to be able to see how adorable these children are! The photos dont even do justice to them though honestly :)

Friday Morning I was really pleased to find the little old lady who lives on my ground floor sat on one of the benches soaking up the sun. This old lady is really precious and has always looked out for me from day one telling Candy when she was here that she never had a daughter. She always asks me where Im going and always reaches out to me to give me a hug when she sees me with her gummy, dentureless smile. When I see her she's usually sat about near the garbage bins in her brown gilet, her rough, wrinky hands glasped together chewing on whatever she has in her cheeks, eyes running, handcerchief in hand. Theres a few characters in life we dont forget and this is one I wont forget in a hurry.

Friday Night was nice after work. I worked only two proper hours and sat around for most of the day playing with the kids, helping Sujan to improve her diary writing skills. Me and Cara decided to meet up in town for a few beers instead of the boring shop to Homever. Sounded like a good plan and starving from not eating all day I was looking forward to some good grub. First stop Don Marcos. Closing. Second Stop a little bar which served food and beer. Looked like a cool place so hungrily sat down and ordered a 'chicken' stirfry and a cold beer. What I got was what looked like a pigs ear stirfry and a cold beer. Was happy with the beer but the pig belly/pig ear stirfry was gross. Tucking in pretty quick with Kara we both spat it out as quick as it went in both realising that it wasnt actually chicken at all....mmm yummy.

We then hurried off to the new Coffee Bean in town for some cheesecake to make up for the pig fry and that was a bit yucky too but nice to get out after another day at work with not much english communication :)

Hagwon Life

So Thursday was just another Thursday this week and I got in at 1.30 where my little students were all waiting for me under the kind, collected control of Terry. Terry's such a lovely lady, really patient but strict too. The kids really listen to her. The kids in this group are just adorable and so tiny. The youngest is about 5 and they are so funny to teach. I have such a laugh with them playing games and teaching them songs and stuff and it makes me laugh how different in character they all are. I've got Emily or Amy Lee (it gets confusing sometimes !) who Ive written about before- she's so boystrous and cheeky, confident and gives the boys a good telling off when due :) Then theres little Eric who is so quiet he barely talks but works when the rest do and is so, so cute.There's also Rachel who tells me Ive spelt her name wrong everytime I put it on the board and who still hasn't figured out that I dont understand Korean and doesn't understand what to do in class even when the rest of the kids explain. She's cute too though! Then theres John..another cutie who usually sits at the back of the class with Daniel, usually has a bit of banter with Emily giving her an odd pinch or two (making her cry the other day :( ) Then theres Daniel whos a little monster at times and nearly knocks me out with the ball we play with when practicing new vocab...thinks its hilarious. These kiddies are ace! Sure you'll agree looking at the pics :)

Later I chiled out with Wendy and Sujan in JCK. Sujan is really seeing me more as her chingu I think and Im pretty happy coz like Ive explained before to see her everyday and not be able to communicate with her like we both want can be really hard sometimes. Wendy and her get on really well but have a good barney every now and again either ending in laughter or tears.

My Favourite time in the hagwon is at about 5pm. The land behind the school is so lovely. Dont get me wrong, its not the best view Ive seen but theres something about the atmosphere behind the school that has me going to that back window at every opportunity just to peer out onto the few mountain peaks and the muddy fields.If you saw it you might not probably get me at first but after a few moments sitting by that window I think you'd feel how nice and calm the atmosphere is even on a dull rainy day. Stephen commented in the first few weeks he started that I looked like a caged bird looking out of the window all the time and it made me think a lot about how much time I spend sitting by that window. Watching the sun go down though at 5/6 ish is just such a tranquil, peaceful, beautiful time and I always feel so blessed to have the hagwon Im in after watching that.Mrs Nam says that in a few years the land will be built upon with brand new apts and I think its realy sad so Im trying to simply enjoy it and am looking forward to late spring when the ears of corn will be high enough to run and get lost in. Knowing that the land will never be seen again in this way in the amber hue of each different sunset makes me feel really priviledged. Watching the sun go down over the dry soil makes me smile knowing that what Im watching will never be seen again by anyone in that exact same light and its my private time of the day to unwind a little before my last classes.

The kids play and run about on the fields looking carefree and happy and it makes me sad sometimes about the kids Ive come across back at home. The kids who Ive come across who have barely a yard to play in, the kids who live on bad estates where theres not much choice but to just hang out at bus stops and so on. Its nice to see though. Just different and it tugs at my heart strings sometimes. The kids in the hagwon all seem pretty lucky (if thats the right word I should use ?). According to the teachers I work with they all come from healthy nuclear families with both parents still in tact, good jobs, nice houses, happy lives, no money problems. Its nice to see no problems but I wonder where the problems are in Korea sometimes. I know there are problems but the experience of Korea Ive had so far has been far from problematic. Thats where the compassionate ministries comes in for me and Ive decided that I need to start getting involved with things that I came out here for. Im just gonna pray God will really use me out here to minister to others in need. Afterall, I know that Korea is definately not problem free in terms of social issues it just seems that Ive been shielded from it somehow since Ive got here. Ive learnt alot though and its shown me how amazing it is to have a secure, healthy family and how much I really want that in the future.