Tuesday, 10 April 2007

Well seeing as Ive been so ill recently I didnt go to the gym ONCE last week. Considering I go everyday this is REALLY REALLY BAD. And considering my very naughty friend has a secret lust for the evil Mc Donalds I think Im in big bad trouble and falling down a slipery slope hanging out with her when Ive not eaten.(You know who yu are girl ! )Supposed to be running in the Sanok Race next Saturday and havent trained properly like everyone else seems to have...whoops. LOL. Ill probably just laugh all the way through it with my poor Mother. Hee.

Not doing any exercise makes me feel awful now that I train so much so not going last week has really shown. Ive been in a better mood and have been busier in different ways but have missed it and have realised that I havent been hiking in weeks ! Whats the deal ?!

Anyway, going out seems to be much more fun right now than exercise and the choice of going out partying rather than doing a session of weights suits me down to the ground when Im still feeeling so sniffly :) Hee.any excuse maaan...


Anonymous said...

Ha ha!
My excuse is I've hurt my leg! Guess I won't be running the 10k anymore! ha!

But no more McD's I promise! Seriously! It's so bad!

Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Jo, I can't find your email or any contact information on the blog. I lived in Cheonan, and would like to talk. My email is big_hobo@hotmail.com

Thank you.

Rob :)