Thursday, 22 March 2007

A serious crap cook

Just got in from a hards days work and a nice yoga sesh and thought Id cook myself a bit of supper since as I havent had dinner or lunch. Poured myself a nice glass of red got into my snuggly pyjamas and got my rice on while I heated up some quick and easy chinese black bean sauce and stir fried some lean pork and vegetables. Sounds so lovely ubt Im seriously the worst cook ever. The rice is undercooked, the sauce didnt heat up (but fired all over my microwave), the vegetables and soya are broken and overcooked. But it tastes good. To me anyway :)And, I suppose thats the only thing that matters coz Im the only one eating it tonight!

One of the worst house hold chores in my book is cleaning the microwave after somethings expoded in it...think Ill leave it until morning. Il probably be sick cleaning it now after Ive just eaten this delicious meal ;) Anyway! Not to worry as Im going to ny friend Kyrans house on Saturday to learn how to cook Korean style. So even if I cant cook normal rice (in a rice cooker ) maybe theres still hope for me.Just maybe...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Jo! Not to worry! We are going to be real Korean cooks by tonight, though! After our cooking lesson from Karyn. No more heating and serving from the microwave. Everything from scratch, from now on!